Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

The News

It was a brisk autumn day in usually sunny Wilmington, North Carolina. I walked into the familiar crime lab, ready to tackle the day. Michael walked up to me, handing me a file.
"Rally everyone up downstairs. I got important news", he said, walking away. I shrugged and walked downstairs, flipping through the file. I motioned to Henderson to hand me a chair. I stood up on it and tried to get everyone's attention.

"Yo, Michael wants everyone gathered", I called. No good. I sighed and finally let out a shrill whistle. Everyone stopped. I pointed to the front of the chair and everyone slunk over. I hopped down, the impressions my Converses made on the chair slowly disappearing. I placed my hands on my hips and waited for Michael to come downstairs. After a minute, he did.
"Hello, everyone. I have some terrible news", he said. I rolled my eyes. What a way to start off a new day.

"Jay Maxwell has escaped from the prison", he said. My jaw dropped. I was the arresting officer on that case, so this was a major shocker to me. He was a suspect in an ongoing homicide case and we had locked him up for assault. Without a murder weapon, we didn't have him on anything but aggravated assault.
"Where is he now?" Oliver Montgomery asked. I rolled my eyes.
"If we knew, he'd be back in jail where he belongs, dumbass", I retorted dryly. I wasn't in the mood for idiocy.
"He's in New York City, wreaking havoc among the citizens. I spoke to the head of the crime lab there and he's agreed to do a joint investigation. I said I would send my best detective on it and I've already picked out my ideal choice", he said. His eyes set on me and I wondered if he was going to reprimand me for my retort. I knew for sure he was going to pick Vance Michelle. He was the second-in-command.
"Pacino, I want you on this. You're a good cop and this was your case", he said. Shock emanated through me.

"Th-Thank you, sir", I stammered, not denying that I was surprised.
"You leave tonight, so pack your stuff. I don't expect this to take very long", Michael replied. I nodded and went upstairs.
"Pacino! Go home and get your stuff", Michael called. I turned around, walking outside. A silent thrill shot through me as I walked out to my beloved car, a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS I had named The Black Stallion. I pulled out my phone and called my sister-in-law, Sarah.

"Sarah! Guess what!" I squealed as soon as she answered. I'd known Sarah for years; she was like the older sister I never had and she was my best friend.
"Well, I can't guess, so I'll let you tell me", she replied, smiling.
"I'm coming to New York for a week! My boss picked me to go, I said, squealing.
"That's awesome, Izzy! You're coming to stay with us, right?" she said. I laughed.
"Duh! I'll be in tonight", I replied.
"Can't wait", she said. We hung up as I pulled into my apartment building parking lot. I got out, locking my beloved car and ran up the steps into my apartment, where I was promptly greeted by my black Lab puppy, Boomer. He wriggled as I scratched his side.

I walked into my bedroom, pulling out a backpack and a suitcase. I threw in some clothes and two pairs of shoes. I usually wore Converses, they were comfortable and stylish. I walked Boomer to my car and helped him inside. I pulled out my phone and called my little sister, Mackenzie. She was nine years younger than me, at the tender age of twenty.
"Hey, Izzy!" she greeted me. I smiled, glad she was out of her funk.
"Can you watch Boomer for a week or so? I'm going out of town on business", I said.
"Sure, just get his stuff. He gets along great with Brewster", she replied. Always reliable and unpredictable Mackenzie. She had adopted floppy-eared Lab/Bernese Mountain Dog mix Brewster on a whim. I pulled up to her apartment building. The day was young, and I had a lot of stuff to do. About six hours later, I arrived at the airport with Michael.

"This is a big milestone in your cop career, kiddo", he said, squeezing my hand. I smiled and nodded. It was pretty major to be selected out of everyone else on the team. This was going to be one of the biggest cases in my career.