Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

Just Hold Me

I saw Isabella disappear out the back door, visibly upset. I waited a second then followed her. Her eyes were red, like she'd been crying. I walked over to her, resting my hand on her shoulder.
"You alright?" I asked. She saw me and quickly wiped a tear away.
"Yeah, I'm fine", she replied. Somehow I knew, a joke or a tease wouldn't make her smile. Not a real one, anyways.
"No, you're not", I said. She sighed, running a hand through her hair.
"My twin brother is in the hospital", Isabella finally said. This poor woman was having a horrible week.
"What happened?" I asked.
"He was in a car wreck", she replied, her eyes seemingly far away.
"Is he going to be okay?" I asked. She shrugged.
"I don't know", she replied. I held out my arms. She looked at me before hugging me. I tried not to let my senses go into override.
"You just can't catch a break, can you?" I said, chuckling.
"Apparently not", she replied.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked.
"Just hold me", she whispered. I did just that. After a minute, I realized that Danny was right.
There was something deeper than just flirtatious banter between me and her. Every time she smiled or laughed, I craved more. I admired her as much more than a woman. When she let any deep emotions show, she covered them up. It wasn't because she was really over it, it was because she didn't want to bring anyone down. I remembered her with Mariah last night, how loving and attentive she was to her niece.

She pulled away, coughing. She chuckled wistfully and muttered something in Italian I couldn't understand. I couldn't stop looking at her. She looked at me with those green eyes and sighed again.
"We should go inside before Sarah gets any more ideas", she said, starting to walk towards the back door. I had to let her go. I followed her in, Levi giving me an appreciative look. Danny and Lindsay had gone.
"Danny and Lindsay went home to Lucy, she was getting fussy", Sarah explained. I leaned against the counter, pinching the bridge of my nose with my index finger and thumb. She motioned for me to follow her.

"I know you like her. She could use some comfort right now", she said. I had known Sarah for five years, and her observance and intuition never ceased to surprise me.
"She needs her family", I replied.
"Levi and I have done all we can to help her so far", she said.
"How long have you known her?" I asked. She smiled.
"Sixteen years. We met at school here in New York. I was going to join her circle before she got attacked", she replied.
"I heard a bit of what happened", I said. Sarah's smile turned wistful.
"Isabella shouldn't have survived that attack", she replied.
"She's tough, that's for sure", I agreed. There was no one like her.
"Go on and talk to her. Some people can comfort her in ways others can't", Sarah said. I chuckled.
"Glad to have your blessing", I replied wryly. I scanned the room for her. She was curled up in the corner on the couch.
"Hey, Levi, let's take Steele on a walk", Sarah suggested to her husband. Levi looked at me and Isabella and nodded. They disappeared out the back door to collect their German Shepard. I sat down on the couch next to Isabella.

"Sarah talked to you, didn't she?" she said, looking up at me.
"Yeah, she did", I replied. She sighed.
"She doesn't know how to leave stuff alone", she muttered.
"She was concerned about you", I replied.
"She's been looking out for me since day one", she said simply.
"That's a good friend", I answered. She shook her head, rolling her eyes.
"She's scared to death that I'm going to wind up dead or alone", she said.
"How do you mean?" I asked.

"Alone, meaning taking care of everyone else but me. She's living her bachelorette days through me, so she's trying desperately to fix me up with everyone she meets. Had her sights on setting me up with you, actually", she replied, chuckling. I could tell this was her way of keeping her mind off of Ian. I felt a thrill run through my spine when she said Sarah wanted to set her up with me.
"Yeah, Levi does the same thing", I said, chuckling.
"Levi is content as long as I am. I think that's because I'm his little sister. Sarah is scared I'm going to be a spinster with only my dog to keep me company", she said, rolling her eyes.
"Girl like you? No way", I disagreed. She rolled her eyes.
"You don't give yourself enough credit", I said. She gave me a look.
"I already know I'm a workaholic. My last boyfriend dumped me because he couldn't spend any time with me", she said dryly. I raised my eyebrow.
"He is an idiot wrapped in a moron", I said. She laughed.
"Someone who understands", she replied.
"I'm here for you, you know that, right?" I asked. She smiled, a hint of her normal one. It showed a little bit of slightly crooked lower teeth.
"I'm thankful for that", she replied. I don't think either one of us had noticed we were leaning in closely, our hands touching. The sound of her phone beeping made both of us jump. She looked at it, a big smile lighting up her face.

"Ian's breathing on his own, he's going to be okay!" she said. Isabella looked relieved. I looked at the clock, not happy about the time. I wasn't one of the fortunate ones who got Sundays off.
"I have to go", I said, getting up. Was it just me or was it disappointment that flickered across her features. She got up too, dropping her phone. We both stooped down to get it, nearly hitting each other.
"See you in December", she replied, standing up again. I hugged her tightly.
"I'll be awaiting your return", I said, smiling.
"And thanks for putting up with me. I know I must be difficult", she said, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Yeah, you're right, what was I thinking?" I pretended to agree. She slapped my arm playfully.
"I mean it", she said, crossing her arms over her chest. I slipped one arm around her waist, my other hand cupping the curve of her jaw. I dipped my head down, kissing her gently. She kissed back, one hand resting on the back of my neck. The sound of the back door opening made us both jump. I felt like a little kid in trouble. We broke away quickly, Isabella rubbing the back of her neck vigorously. Sarah gave her a look.
"Don't mind us", she said.
"Well, I gotta go, I'm not one of the fortunate detectives who get Sundays off", I said, scooting towards the door.
"Thanks for coming over, Don", Levi said, not taking his eyes off of his sister. He finally broke away, his jaw tense. He was mad now and I was sure I was going to get a very heated call from him later.