Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

Date Night And A Little Game

I had been walking on eggshells all day. I didn't want everyone to know about my date tonight. I had only told Sarah. I looked at my best friend of almost sixteen years and smiled. She had seen me through it all. The assault, the loss of my popularity status, everything. We were all lying to Mackenzie, but that was nothing new, unfortunately. I slid on my shoes and sneaked out the front door. No one but Sarah knew where I was going. I met Don at the end of the street. He smiled.
"Damn, short notice and you still look better than me", he said. He had changed the time to six at last minute.
"Mackenzie does not know I'm here, because otherwise I'd get my ear nearly bitten off", I replied.
"Now who's the dirty little secret?" he teased. I rolled my eyes. We reached a bar and grill and sat down at a booth. I scanned the menu, laughing to myself.
"What's so funny?" he asked. I looked up, realizing how ridiculous I must look.
"Oh, nothing. I'm getting death glares from everywhere is all", I replied. I saw a girl from my old school. It was Janna. I gave her a small wave and an 'I'm back, bitch' smile. Her face paled. Don turned around and looked at me.
"No matter where you go, you always know someone", he said, shaking his head.
"She used to go to Sinclair's. Used to be part of my posse", I replied. I was enjoying making her uncomfortable. Janna had her phone out and was texting. I turned my attention back to Don.
"She doesn't matter anymore anyways", I said, sipping my water. I shrugged and waited for the food to come back. I had had enough of fast food, but pizza sounded so good right now. The big greasy slice on my plate was enough to make anyone's stomachs churn. I smiled and took a huge bite.

"You are the only woman I know that's brave enough to eat that", Don said, watching me. I merely shrugged.
"I'm not a dancer anymore, so I can eat without wanting to kill myself", I replied. The door opened and Jamie Benson flounced in, trying to messily imitate my former strut. I rolled my eyes as she walked by. She stopped dead and looked at me.
"Isabella Pacino", she said. I raised my eyebrow.
"Do you mind? I'm eating here and you're kind of ruining it", I snapped.
"Ouch, that almost hurt, Leprechaun", she sneered. I turned my attention back to Don, but Jodie wasn't having that. She kept trying to interrupt me.
"Look, I'm sorry you can't let go of the past, but I'm trying to have a conversation here", I said.
"You made countless lives hell and I'm returning the favor", Jamie said. I rolled my eyes.
"Look, it was sixteen years ago. I've let it go. You should do the same", I replied. She was ruining the first date mood and I was getting pissed. Stupid Irish temper.
"After what you did to Charlotte? I think not", Jamie hissed.

"There's a time and place for talks like this and this is not one of them", I replied coolly. Don cleared his throat uncomfortably. I glared up at Jamie with my stare I hadn't used in years. I didn't want my past ruining my good time. Jamie got the hint and stormed off. I rolled my eyes, finishing my pizza.
"People don't know how to let stuff go", Don finally said. I nodded in agreement. The grill was closing down to just the bar. We got up, walking over. The bartender winked at me before setting down a couple of drinks.
"We didn't order anything", Don said, a bit surprised.
"I know, right", I replied curiously. I stirred at the drink, giving a wary look across the bar. Janna and Jamie had left, which was good. I called the bartender over, who had run over eagerly.
"Yes, ma'am?" he said.
"We didn't order these, there must be some mistake", I said.
"On the house", he replied, winking at me again. I looked at Don.
"Let's go", I suggested. He nodded and we grabbed our coats. We walked to another bar, laughing.
"I'm serious. I could get anyone eating out of the palm of my hand, that's my mother's trait talking", I said.
"I'll bet you twenty bucks you can't get someone to buy you a drink in the next ten minutes", Don said.
"I'll bet you thirty I can", I replied. I scanned the room and sat down at the bar. I had pretended to be pissed off at Don and it usually worked like a charm. A bartender cleaning a glass looked at me.
"You okay, sweetheart?" he asked. I gave him a helpless look.
"Yes, I'm just fighting with my boyfriend. He is such a jerk!" I replied, tossing my head into my hands. I could be such a damsel in distress when I put my mind to it.
"What'd he do to piss a pretty thing like you off?" he asked.
"He thinks I flirt too much, but I really don't!" I replied. The bartender set down a beer.

"You need this more than I do. It's on the house", he said.
"Oh no, I couldn't!" I said, my eyes wide.
"I insist", he replied, smiling. I gave him a soft smile and he opened it. Five minutes later, Don came up.
"You're good", he said in a low voice.
"Look, pal, haven't you caused enough damage?" the bartender demanded. He raised his eyebrow at me.
"Yeah, I am so not a flirt", I retorted at Don. I gave him a quick wink. He gave me a knowing look.
"Look, I'm sorry I accused you, can we just get out of here?" he said. I gave him a soft sigh and stood up.
"Do you promise you'll never do it again?" I asked in a soft voice. I gave him my biggest wide-eyed look that melted people's hearts like a hot knife to butter. Oh, it worked like a charm.
"I promise", he replied, hugging me.
"Glad you two made up", the bartender said with a smile and walked off.

"You are dangerous", Don said with a laugh. I cleared my throat and pretended to brush off dirt.
"My mama taught me that. I told you, I'm good", I replied, smiling.
"You're in the wrong line of work", he said.
"It's perfect for when I have to go undercover. I still have a bunch of tricks up my sleeve", I replied. He laughed.
"You are more dangerous than I thought", he said. We had ordered more drinks and walked out.

"You okay?" he said. I let out a hysterical giggle.
"I'm not even buzzed", I replied. It was true. We continued walking, hand in hand. It was weird being with him like this. Usually, we just bumped into each other, and before that, I had worked with him all week. This was easy and effortless. Talking on the phone and text messaging all that time had helped.
"Danny must be a little jealous that I'm taking up so much of your time", I said.
"No, he's ecstatic that you're here. I wouldn't shut up about you", he replied. I widened my eyes.
"Really?" I asked, surprised.
"Sure. You're the only one at the precinct who won't put up with my crap besides Danny. And the whole fact that you can take stuff and dish it right back", he replied. I rolled my eyes.
"You're the only guy that's been so patient with me and I don't know why. Everyone else would be running for the hills by now", I said.
"Because I see it everyday on the streets. If I could help one person, then that makes a huge difference. You've helped the crime lab a lot, everyone really likes you", he replied. I felt a little embarrassed by that.

"I liked them too", I admitted. It was true, they were good to me, unlike the Wilmington PD.
"You should ask Mac for a job here", he said. I raised my eyebrow.
"From what I'd heard, the lab was pretty full", I said.
"The FBI did a case with us and cleaned us out of six lab techs. You do the work of three. I know Mac was thinking about giving you a call", he replied. I was surprised.
"I don't want to leave Aria alone at the crime lab there. She works just as hard as me, do you think Mac would hire her too?" I asked. I knew if Don knew my best-kept secret, he would leave. I hated the thought of that, I couldn't let him know. Ethan wasn't my brother. He was my son.