Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

The Morning After

I felt something warm on my face as I opened my eyes. It was sunny. I rolled over, looking at the time. Seven am. I jolted upwards, looking around. It took me a minute to remember where I was. A note was on the pillow next to me. I picked up the note and opened it.
"I ran out for a minute, I should be back soon. I couldn't bring myself to wake you up, so feel free to sleep. Go ahead and go back to sleep, I should be back by the time you wake up. Why are you still reading this? Go back to sleep! -Don", it read. I smiled. I chuckled and sank back down to a laying position as memories of last night came flooding back.

After a couple more drinks and watching a movie back at his place, things had gotten heated. I kissed along his jaw to his throat and neck. He ran his hands along my back and waist, keeping me close to him. I moved from sitting next to him to sitting on his lap, resting my hands along his chest. I was scared to death of losing control, but that was what was happening. My breathing and heart was racing as we moved downward onto the couch.
"My turn", he whispered in my ear. I could have sworn he could hear my heartbeat, because it was roaring in my ears. His lips flickered across my neck and around my throat. Oh, he was good. His hands slid around my hips, keeping me close to him. I hadn't realized I was nearly moaning under his touch. I sat up boldly. I couldn't believe I was about to do this. I stood up, looking down at a very bewildered Don.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked. I gave him a slow smile.
"Not yet", I replied, tugging his hand. His eyes widened and he followed me.
"Far more dangerous than I thought. You know my room's that way, right?" he said.
"I'm 29, I know how this works. Don't ruin the mood", I replied.

[Back to present time]

I rolled over and pulled on my jeans again. The door opened. I finished pulling my top back on, walking out.
"You clearly don't listen to notes", he said, setting down a drink holder. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss.
"I gotta go. Levi, Ian, and Mackenzie wanted to play basketball today", I replied. He kissed me back, looping his arms around my waist.
"And you also want to avoid any uncomfortable questions, am I right?" he said.
"Mhm. Ian won't care, but Levi is still acting like he's my dad and if he knows I stayed over, he'll get pissed. If that happens, you know what to do, right?" I said. He kissed my forehead, nodding.
"He never stays mad at me for long, but I think this will be the first time he would get really pissed off", he said.
"Yeah, he doesn't take kindly to his sister sleeping with his friends", I replied, rolling my eyes. I kissed him again, unwinding his arms from my waist.
"See you later?" I said. He kissed me back.
"Duh", he replied. I grabbed my purse, feeling warmth flood from my ears to my toes as I walked out. I hailed a cab to Soho and sneaked into the house before breakfast. Of course, Sarah was already up.

"Mhm, look who just got caught doing the walk of shame", she said, hip-bumping me. Her huge pregnant stomach nearly knocked over a water bottle as she turned.
"Only shame if you regret it", I teased suggestively.
"Levi's still passed out, so you're safe", she said. I stifled a yawn as I helped her prepare breakfast. Mackenzie and Mariah were racing downstairs. Mackenzie gave me a look.
"What're you still doing wearing that?" she asked. Mackenzie was never sharp, alert and observant in the morning. This was not a good sign. I shrugged.
"I got in late and must've fallen asleep in my clothes", I replied. Sarah rolled her eyes as she finished washing the fruit. My clothes were wrinkled, so that corroborated with my story.
"Hm. I didn't hear you come in. Nice ninja skills", Mackenzie commented. I smiled at my sister and kissed her cheek.
"I'm gonna go get a shower and change for the basketball game", I said, running upstairs. I pulled out my favorite pair of yoga pants and a white T-shirt. I pulled off my clothes from the night before and tossed them into my hamper, getting into the shower. I still couldn't stop thinking about last night or about Don. I got dressed and tied my hair back. After breakfast, it was time to go to the park to play basketball.