Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

Undercover Preparations

I tried to avoid Don after the meeting, but that wasn't going to happen.
"What the hell are you playing at?" he demanded.
"I don't know what you're talking about", I lied.
"Don't play dumb, you're too smart for that", he said. I sighed. I really didn't want to argue, but it was inevitable. He was thoroughly pissed off.
"Did you volunteer or were you asked?" he asked. I was backed against a wall, with Don blocking me. His hands were to my left and right so I couldn't wriggle my way out.
"A little bit of both", I admitted. He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and sighing. It was something he did when he was either stressed or trying to calm down.
"Don't say that what I'm doing is dangerous or risky, this is my job, you can't protect me from that", I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"This is a serious ring you're getting yourself into, you could get seriously injured or killed", he said finally. '
"I've got nine lives, remember?" I teased. It was our joke, after all I'd been through with my brushes with extreme danger or death.
"I'm serious. Don't go in blind on this, these guys kill pretty women like you for sport. They find out you're a cop, you're as good as dead, all four of you", he said. I uncrossed my arms and placed my hands on his face.
"I love that you're so protective of me, but it's getting old. I'm going to be getting this from Levi later, I don't need it from you too. I have special skills in this department, I'm not going in on this blind. I'm not some rookie fresh from the academy, I know what I'm doing", I replied, stretching onto my toes and resting my forehead against his. I, being much smaller than him, was leaning forward and nearly falling, so he had to support my weight.

"Mac wouldn't be sending Lindsay to this if there wasn't some small risk that we could be exposed. These tracking devices are concealed very carefully, practically embedded under our skins, the audio is being surgically implanted into our ears", I continued. I hated that I was doing this to him, but he had to understand.
"I don't want you doing anything stupid or reckless. You can't be playing hero on this, any acting skill you possess is going to have to be played into damsel in distress. They're going to knock you till you break and you have to let them", he said finally. I nodded.
"I know what I have to do to survive. There is one case in every cop's career that they go all out on and this is my case", I replied.
"These men are brutal with women, Isabella", he said.
"I've lived through brutality like this", I replied.
"The torture you're going to go through is going to not only break your bones, but also break your spirit and snuff out your fire", he said. That was what he was afraid of.
"Like that's possible", I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
"Trust me on this. My part in all of this is to see who's behind this, as well as keeping our cover. I know I'm going to get beaten, drugged, probably prostituted, and God knows what else, but if something happens, then I die doing my job and I'm not going down without giving it everything I've got and snapping a few bones while I'm at it", I promised.

"You busy for the rest of the evening? I wasn't done with you this morning", he said. I smiled.
"Well, I'll just meet you at your place then. Levi hasn't berated me yet", I replied, giving him a kiss. I was dreading going back to Levi's, I almost opted going back with Don, but I had to face this. This was serious and I had to call off Nonno and his cavalry. I walked away, going down the street. I hated leaving Don there, but I had to. I looked back, he was still standing there. I knew he felt helpless, but I had to do this. I wanted to just curl up in his bed with him, but we both had a job to do. I walked into a well-lit building, pressing an elevator button and going up to the 34th floor. A gun pressed against my side.

"Raymond, get that gun off me, you buffoon", I snapped. He removed his rifle from my side.
"Nonno, guarda! Isabella ci ha onorato con la sua presenza!" he called mockingly.
[Grandfather, look! Isabella has graced us with her presence]
"Guardalo, baby. Tu non sei così difficile come pensi di essere", I snapped.
[Watch it, baby. You're not as tough as you think you are]
He gave me a wry smile before slapping his hand across my backside. I grabbed his arm, pushing him away. He was one of my grandfather's newest trained dogs and he always thought he could get fresh with me. I walked up to where my grandfather sat.
"Nonno", I addressed him formally.
"Isabella, what brings you here? You are troubled", Nonno said.
"Nonno, I am going undercover for a mission and it involves great physical violence. I'm here to tell you not to go after me", I replied. He frowned.
"Not protecting one of my only granddaughters is against everything this family is based on. Family is sacred, Isabella. Surely, you of all people would know", he said.
"I am going to take on a trafficking ring, that is all I can say. I must not be followed or rescued", I said.

"If you were to die, Isabella, there would be no stopping me. If this ring kills you, whoever is responsible will feel and perish from the wrath of Pacino. You telling me to sit by idly while you risk your life is a sign of softness, my angel", he replied. I kissed my grandfather's cheek.
"I'm a Pacino, Nonno. No name is more feared in New York", I said, squeezing his hand. He squeezed mine back.
"Be safe, love. That is all I ask for", he replied. I left, heading over to Levi's. He was waiting for me in the living room.

"Tomorrow afternoon, Scythe wants you in to get you bugged", he said tonelessly.
"Alright", I replied. Sarah had been restless since hearing the news.