Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

Three Days Later

I yanked against the pipe, trying desperately to get the snake off my back. I could feel it slither up my back, its tail wrapped around my stomach. I knew it was a snake after hearing an eerie 'hiss' in my ear.
"Get it off", I begged. I hated snakes, I was scared to death of them. I saw the well-dressed man smile sickeningly at me.
"Are you ready to cooperate?" he asked. I gritted my teeth and shook my head vehemently. Lindsay had only received a small fraction of the beatings I did. I had done everything I could to distract them, maybe they'd forget about her and focus it all on me. The well-dressed man sighed, shaking his head.
"I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this, Lorelei. You've already broken four ribs and your fibula. I admire your tenacity, I do hope you make it", he said. He set another snake on my back. I refused to let him break me, but I let out another whimper of fear. It was only my second day here, how could I live through another four? One more day of living through this, and I would be taken care of. I felt sharp pangs of hunger and the dry rasp of thirst. I rested my forehead against the pipe, trembling. I was so exhausted and in so much pain, I couldn't stand up. I was allowed to sit, but every time I was about to drift off, I felt something sharp stinging my back.

I looked over at Lindsay, who had bruises forming on her neck, face, and arms. Her brown eyes were wide in terror. That's when it hit me. They wanted me physically broken and she was to be psychologically broken, so she would cooperate. They had no intentions of keeping me. I was the sacrifice. The well-dressed man bent down, touching my cheek. I glared balefully at him.
"Lorelei, it is a shame you are so beautiful. You might have been my greatest achievement, but alas, you are too stubborn. There is no place for women who are so stubborn here", he said. I snapped at him, biting his arm. That earned me a hard slap. I was grateful he at least didn't pull my hair. It looked like my hair was dyed, but it had been put into a wig, some of my hair had been woven into it.
"Do with me as you want", I snarled. The man glared at me, cutting the zip-ties and dragging me by the hair. The wig came off and I stumbled to the ground. The man's eyes grew wide as saucers.
"Y-You're a Pacino!" he said in complete terror. I spat blood onto the ground. My cover was blown. He grabbed the snakes, throwing them onto the ground and carried me out of the room in his arms. He tossed me onto the ground. At least they didn't know I was a cop.

"You didn't tell me one of them was a Pacino, Adams", the man spat.
"Tread carefully, Romano. The last thing we want is a mob war, give her anything she wants if she stays quiet", a familiar voice replied. I dropped my jaw. Adams? It couldn't had to be. Romano, the man who'd been torturing me came back in.
"Is that your boss-man?" I asked. He nodded, but snapped back to attention. Oh. My. God. The head of the Wilmington crime lab was the ringleader. I had to wait till I was alone to say it out loud.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" Romano asked politely. I glared at him.
"Go back and get Adelaide. She is to be protected and unharmed at all costs, if she is even scratched and I know about it, I will hurt you in the worst way possible", I demanded. I didn't even care about myself. Lindsay had to get out of there. Romano came back in, Lindsay in his arms. He set her gently down onto her feet. I was so exhausted, I could've fallen asleep right there if I could. But I couldn't. I had a job to do, and it involved keeping us all alive. I staggered to my feet, leaning on Lindsay for support. She helped me limp over to a couch and sit down.
"Leave us", I said, trying to make my voice as threatening as possible. My throat was too dry. I could live without food, but not water. Romano scuttled out of the room. Lindsay touched my forehead.
"Oh my God, Izzy. How did you get us out of there? I thought we were goners when your wig came off", she babbled.
"Looks like Pacino blood came in handy. I know who the head is, but I need proof. I heard his voice, but I need to see him to believe it", I said. I dropped my head onto the arm of the couch.
"Who is it?" she asked.
"Michael Adams", I replied. Her eyes widened.
"That's the head of the Wilmington crime lab!" she hissed. I nodded. The door opened and I saw Adams. I buried my head, my body threatening to break.
"Isabella Pacino", he said disgustedly. I glared up at him.
"Why?" I whispered. I looked up to him so much. He had given me the case that led me to the capture of Jay Maxwell. It had taken me to Don. Oh God, Don. If anything happened to him, I didn't know what I was going to do.

"Money. Power. Respect", he replied simply.
"That's your reason? You betray us all for money and power? You're weak", I snarled. He pulled out a gun.
"We have three cops here. The only reason I'm not killing you yet is because of how it would look. Michael Adams takes down the biggest trafficking ring in New York's history, I'd be famous!" he said, pointing it at me.
"Wait, we have four", I replied confusedly. He laughed and waved his hand. Alexis came in, a sick smile on her face. He bent down and kissed her tenderly on the lips.
"She is such a good actress, isn't she? Easy to manipulate, but so good", he cooed, stroking her hair. This had to be a dream. It had to be. He cocked the pistol.
"I must give you credit, Isabella. Taking beatings upon yourself to protect your partner is very noble of you. Too bad it was all in vain", he said.
"Why me and Aria?" I asked.
"You two were the only women. Women are so easy to kill", he replied simply.
"You're psychotic", I spat. He let out a laugh and fired the gun. Lindsay let out a shriek of pain and clutched her leg. I took off my jacket and tied it around her leg.

"Aria's dead, baby", Alexis said, nuzzling Michael's neck. He smiled fondly.
"Good job, my love", he praised her. I couldn't believe I'd let myself admire Michael. He was my mentor. It was all a lie.
"You're not a man, you're a demon", I said, applying pressure to Lindsay's leg. She grabbed my arm, letting out a hiss of pain.
"One more day, and I'll be so glad to get rid of you", Michael snarled to me.
"Kill me and the Pacino family will be all over you", I threatened. I didn't mention the police.
"You mean you disobeyed strict orders? I told you and so did those fools at the FBI and NYPD to tell your Mafia to back off this case", Michael said, pointing the gun at me again.
"I told them not to come after me when I got taken. I didn't say a word about my death", I replied.