Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

Wake Up

The sleep was amazing, but my dreams were odd. I couldn't see anything, but people were talking to me. I heard Sarah singing to me songs from Moulin Rouge. Mariah was telling me all about school. Levi was telling me to wake the hell up. Jokingly, of course. Mama was always stroking my cheek, murmuring to me in her native language. Daddy was gruffly telling me that I needed to get better soon. I didn't hear from Ethan at all. Lindsay was always apologizing profusely for what happened to me. Silly woman seemed to think it was her fault. Danny was thanking me for looking out for Lindsay. It seemed I was getting talked to left and right. My most frequent visitors were my parents and Don. Don didn't always say very much, but he was always holding my hand and telling me not to give up. I wanted to wake up then, but I wasn't ready yet. I was now, though.

I let out a moan and wriggled against something laying across my chest. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Sarah. She was smiling widely now.
"Izzy! You came back!" she said softly. She was holding a bundle in her arms, rocking it gently. It took me a minute to realize who it was. My nephew. I frowned. Wait a second. I'd always thought boys were delivered in blue blankets, not pink. Then it hit me. The doctors were wrong. I had a new niece. I let out a giggle.

"Did I go somewhere?" I asked, but it came out like a slur.
"Almost", Sarah replied. I looked up and saw someone walk in. I opened my eyes the rest of the way. It was Levi.
"Hey, you. 'Bout time you woke up", he teased. I chuckled, then winced.
"Don't make me laugh, my ribs hurt", I said. He kissed my forehead.
"Want to meet your niece?" he asked, taking the baby from Sarah. I nodded, holding my arms out. I was handed the baby. She was sleeping, but she had soft skin and Levi's dark hair.
"What's her name?" I asked. Sarah smiled.
"Rae. We gave her your middle name because we thought you were going to croak", she replied. My little namesake let out a yawn.
"Yes, I know the feeling, little Rae", I cooed softly. The baby opened her eyes. They were a soft mint green, like mine and my mother's.
"She has green eyes like Mama", Levi said proudly.
"I can see that", I replied, my voice almost a croon. The little baby was absolutely adorable. She let out a fuss and Sarah took her back.
"I'll leave you two to talk", she said, walking out of the room. I looked around my room and saw flowers and balloons.

"What happened?" I asked.
"After you passed out?" Levi said. I nodded.
"NYPD knocked down the door and arrested Michael. Lindsay shot Alexis and now Alexis is dead. Mama and Daddy hopped the red-eye and came straight here. Don kept trying to stay home from work, but he convinced himself to keep working. Instead, every time he went on break, he came here to see you", Levi replied. I frowned. I never liked being fussed over like this. A nurse came in.

"Oh, good! You're awake", she said brightly.
"What day is it?" I asked.
"Thursday", she replied. I counted back the days. I'd been asleep for three and a half days.
"When's Aria's funeral?" I asked my brother. I didn't want to miss it, she was my partner and one of my best friends. He laughed. I glared at him. Death wasn't funny, except in movies.
"She's alive, Isabella. She's asleep too, but she's going to make it", Levi replied. I smiled to myself. She was alive.
"Well, you've had enough excitement for a while, so you should probably sleep again", the nurse said.
"I've slept enough", I replied. My leg was lifted up onto a sling and in a cast. Levi looked down at his phone.
"Don's on his way up", he said. I let out a hysterical giggle.
"I want to play a joke on him, play along", I said. Levi raised his eyebrow but said nothing. I pretended to be asleep when I heard footsteps.

"I heard she's awake", I heard Don say.
"She's a bit loopy from the painkillers, but she's asleep again. You could probably wake her up though", Levi replied. I waited till I felt Don's lips on my forehead before I popped my eyes open.
"Boo", I said. He jumped nearly a foot in the air, letting out a 'Baah!'
I nearly snorted with laughter.
"Oh, my ribs, but that's so funny", I giggled hysterically. My ribs were protesting. Don glared at me.
"That's not funny", he said. I continued to giggle before calming down.
"Yes, it was. You know it was", I replied. I let out another giggle. He kissed my forehead.
"At least we know your sense of humor isn't fractured, unlike four of your ribs and your fibula", he said. I snorted and rolled my eyes.
"I haven't seen you in almost a week and you kiss my forehead? C'mere", I said, holding out my arms. He hugged me gently and I gave him a quick kiss.
"I don't want to hurt you, that's why", he replied.
"Pfft, I hurt myself more when I laugh", I told him. I kissed him a couple more times before hearing an all-too-familiar throat clearing. I looked over and saw my parents. I looked down, a bit embarrassed.

"Mama, Daddy, this is Don. He's one of the detectives I've been working with", I said. I could feel my face turning red.
"We've met", Daddy replied tightly. He looked downright pissed.
"I'll be back later, I've gotta get back to work", Don said. I nodded and he left. Mama stroked my hair.
"Daddy, be nice to him", I chided my father. Daddy frowned.
"Don't count on it, sugar. I don't like him", he replied gruffly. I rolled my eyes. Mama kissed my cheek.
"I think he's very nice", she said. I chuckled, then winced.
"You only like him because he's Irish, Mama", I replied.
"That makes him shine a bit more to me, but that's not why", she said. I gave my mom a look.
"He came to see you every chance he had. He cares about you very much and you care about him too, I can see it in your eyes, how you look at him", she explained. I felt my face warm.
"Yeah", I admitted. I heard a knock on the door. It was Jo.
"Hey, is this a bad time?" she asked. I shook my head.
"Good at time as any", I responded. She smiled.
"How you feeling, girlie?" she asked.
"Eh, some pain here and there. Good freakin' painkillers", I replied. Mama kissed my cheek.
"We'll let you two talk", she said, tugging Daddy out of the room.

"So what are your plans?" Jo asked.
"I'm going back home to recuperate. Doctor says it'll be a good three months before I'm good to work again", I replied. She smiled.
"Good, so we'll expect you at the lab, say around March?" she said. I raised my eyebrow.
"Is there another serial killer escaping? They seem to be doing that lately", I teased.
"Mac wanted me to offer you a job. He thinks he'll save money by hiring another member to the team to replace the lab techs who got scooped up by the FBI and other crime labs", Jo replied. She was serious.
"I'll have to talk it over with my family, of course. But yeah, I'd love to", I said.
"That's good. It'd be good to fill the place with more country girls like you, me, and Lindsay", she replied. I chuckled, trying to keep it light so I didn't strain my ribs.
"Well, be careful, girl. Diplomas aren't just fancy pieces of paper, they give them to people who know what they're talking about", she said, patting my good knee.
"I know me better than anyone else. I've always been a quick healer", I replied. She waved and left. I heard my phone ring and I reached over, grabbing it. I frowned and answered.
"Isabella Pacino", I said.
"Hello, Detective. My name is Sophia Vega, I'm the Deputy Inspector in San Juan, Puerto Rico. We're currently looking for people to come join our team, I heard your story on the news. How would you like to come work with us?" a woman hurriedly answered.