Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

A Good Day

I walked into the lab, carrying my kit. I received incredulous glances everywhere I went. Finally, the day was over.
"You okay, Tiny Tim?" Hawkes asked. He poked my rib.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Almost good as new", I replied. My leg stiffened up on me, but I finally got my files into their proper folders.
"Be careful on that leg. Don't go knocking people over", Hawkes teased. I rolled my eyes and slid the folders into the cabinet. I saw Mac walk by with Jo. I looked down at the DNA results and limped as fast as I could to the door. Of course, it was locked but that didn't occur to me until I ran face-first into it. I stumbled back onto my butt, giggling. Hawkes helped me up.
"You okay?" he asked, trying to contain his laughter. Mac opened the door. Jo was leaning against the counter, laughing. So were three other lab techs and Don.
"Well, that's one way to get the bosses' attention", I snickered, standing up. I handed the papers to Mac, trying to stifle my giggles.
"DNA results, Adam forgot to give this to you", I said. I rubbed my head a bit.
"Thanks. You okay?" Mac said. I nodded.

"I was overdue for a clumsy moment anyways", I replied. I slid my files into the cabinet and went to the locker room to change. I was happy for the warmer weather. I slid my card into the scanner and 'Successfully logged out Detective Isabella Pacino' flashed on the screen. I felt an arm around my waist, snuggling me closer. I turned around and saw Don.
"Hey", he greeted me. I reached up and pecked him on the lips. I had missed him so much.
"Hey", I echoed. I leaned my weight from my right leg onto my left and kissed him again.

"When are you free?" he asked.
"After I get done changing my clothes", I replied. He kissed my head, where a bump was starting to form from my earlier moment of clumsiness.
"Then you'd better go do that. Lab techs had you all day, it's my turn", he said. I rolled my eyes and went to my locker to collect my clothes. I saw dog hair all over my top.
"Dammit, I'm gonna kill Ian!" I hissed. He had brought Lazlo with him. Boomer hated the little dog, he was now forced to sleep on the floor instead of curled up on my bed with me.
I sighed and walked into the ladies' room to change my clothes. I unbuttoned my top and stuffed it into my duffel. I pulled the T-shirt on over my head, groaning when I realized the shirt was now see-through, only if you looked too hard. I pulled down my pants and pulled on my favorite jeans. They slung low on my hips, too baggy from my earlier weight loss.

I walked out with my duffel and thrust open the door into the parking garage.
"You comin'?" I called. Don followed me out to my truck.
"I can see your bra through your shirt", he said. I slapped his arm.
"Perv", I teased. I backed up my truck and put it into drive. The engine rumbled under me as we rolled down the street.
"So what do you wanna do?" he asked.
"Well, I needed to stop by my place to get Boomer. Lazlo is tormenting my poor dog", I replied.
"Isn't Lazlo a Chihuahua and Boomer a full-grown Lab?" Don asked.
"You'd be surprised. Lazlo is a mean little thing. He hates Boomer, my poor dog has to sleep on the floor", I replied. We pulled up to my apartment in Midtown. I jingled the keys into my door, Lazlo's furious barking on the other side. Boomer ran to greet me, but Lazlo bit at his leg, keeping him back. Don's eyes were alight with amusement at the little dog.
Lazlo glared at Don, growling furiously.

"Boomer, come", I called. My Lab lumbered over to me, wiggling in excitement. I rubbed his side and clipped his leash. He licked my arm and sat down, glowing under my attention.
"I gotta go change my shirt. Nothing is sacred in New York", I said, kissing Don on the cheek. I walked into my room and grabbed a T-shirt from a trash bag and pulled off my shirt. I pulled my new T-shirt on over my head, twisting my hair back over my neck. I felt arms around my waist from behind and lips on my neck and shoulder.
"Mm, don't distract me", I said, leaning backwards. I kissed along his jaw, shivering lightly as he trailed his fingers up and down my hips. I turned around to face him, kissing him on the lips and pressed myself closer.
"I gotta go spend time with Boomer, Ian brought that little demon into my place", I said, not convinced I should stop. I kissed him one more time before unwinding myself from his arms. Boomer danced around my feet, the other end of his leash in his mouth.

"Alright, let's get you out of here", I finally relented. I grabbed Boomer's leash and walked out of the apartment. Lazlo wailed on the other side of the door.
"I can't wait till that little monster goes back home", I muttered. Boomer hopped into the tailgate, almost before I put it down.
"He seems nice", Don said. I raised my eyebrow and shook my head.
"Yeah, you haven't been around the little monster enough to know that no one else is allowed around me when he's there. He bit Ian when Ian gave me a hug before leaving this morning. Boomer's scared to death to be anywhere near me", I replied.

"What did those girls say to you?" he asked out of nowhere. I tilted my head in confusion.
"The girls you were talking to earlier. They made fun of your height and limp?" he explained.
"Oh! Yeah, them. They called me Tiny Tina and I should send you over there", I replied. He laughed. "Then they answered my questions and the blonde said 'Anytime, House'", I added distastefully. I had wanted to stab them with my pen.
"They got pissed that I wanted to take their prints and swab their DNA", I said. They reminded me of the girls I used to hang around with in high school.
"I feel so loved", he replied with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes.

"You have no idea how badly I wanted to start talking about science and chemistry and stuff, just to be mean", I said. We pulled up to the dog park and I helped Boomer hop out.
"You know, you didn't have to come if you didn't want to", I commented. He kissed the top of my head.
"Nah, it's okay. I like Boomer", he replied. I rubbed my beloved Lab's ears and let him go. He sat down and watched me. I pointed away and he bounded around.
"Poor dog", I said, shaking my head. We sat down, talking about the case. Somehow, we got on the subject of cases we had worked in the past.

"Man, I remember my first case. It was the murder of a guitarist from a band called 'Kill'", I said.
"Who did it?" Don asked.
"Turned out the lead singer killed him because the guitarist slept with his girlfriend and got her pregnant", I replied. He winced.
"Yikes. Mine was a drug dealer out in Harlem, turns out he was making them and selling them himself", he said.
"Those are the worst", I agreed. I was knocked out of my chair by my flying Labrador, who proceeded to lay down on my chest, wagging his tail.
"Oof, Boomer, get off!" I gasped. He was a whopping ninety pounds. Don grabbed his collar and urged him off.
"You okay?" Don asked. I nodded, getting up.
"Not the first time I got knocked on my ass today, I'm sure you saw what happened in the lab today", I said.

"Oh yeah, you ran into the door", he snickered.
"In my defense, no one told me it was locked", I replied. I clipped the leash onto Boomer and led him towards the truck. Time to go.