Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

I Have To See You

"C'mon, pick up", I chanted softly. I didn't know if he was awake, but I had to talk to him. I had a craving to hear Don's voice, even for just a moment or his voicemail. I heard him pick up breathlessly.
"I was just about to call you. You couldn't sleep either?" he said. I loved his accent, I didn't know why I had to talk to him out of the blue.
"Naw, I couldn't", I replied softly.
"Lazlo keeping you up again?" he asked. I looked over to where my sleeping Labrador lay, perfectly content to be curled up next to my legs.
"Nah, Ian took him to Nonno's. I have my last session of physical therapy tomorrow, then Ian goes back home", I replied.
"Then what's a beautiful woman like you still doing up?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.
"Don't you roll your eyes at me", he chided. I laughed.
"Stop getting my facial expressions right over the phone, it's just creepy", I said.
"Go to sleep, or else your family will have to deal with your crankiness", he said.
"What's a hot guy like you still doing up?" I teased.
"Well, we don't all live off beauty sleep, you know", he replied. I stifled a giggle. Boomer was twitching in his sleep, his paws hitting me in the legs.
"Boomer, move or sleep on the couch", I said. He rolled over to the other side of the bed.
"Ouch, harsh. Remind me never to crash at your place", Don teased.
"Well, he runs in his sleep. It keeps me up at night, because he's all over the bed", I replied. I was starting to feel tired.
"I'm gonna go now, because I'm really really tired now", I said after a bit.
"See you tomorrow?" he asked. I yawned.
"Yeah, sure", I replied. He was quiet for a minute.

"Hey, actually, my dad wants to meet you. Want to take a peek into my childhood?" he asked. I was surprised.
"Y-yeah, sure. I thought I would remind him too much of my mom, you sure he wants to meet me?" I asked.
"Yeah. He just figured out how to send texts, so he just asked me", he replied.
"Alright, see you tomorrow. What time would be good?" I asked.
"I'll say around two", he replied.
"Alright, see you then", I said. We hung up and I finally fell asleep.

I rolled out of bed around ten and went to go take my shower. I fluffed out my hair afterward and saw a note on my bathroom mirror. My blood ran cold as I read it with my black-light I had in my nightstand drawer.
'Loveliest Isabella,
I see you were able to track down my camera and my connections. Tread carefully, delicate one. I would hate to have to finish my game so soon.
Sincerely yours,
The Dressmaker'
Under it was the lyrics to another song. 'Death won't hold you as tight as she will'

I put on latex gloves and put the note in a Ziploc bag. I grabbed my dog and put him on the leash, running out to my truck. I realized I was in my sweatpants and tank top still, but I didn't care. I went back for my ID and badge and drove to the crime lab. I got out, showing my ID. Mac intercepted me on my way up to the lab.
"I appreciate that you love your job, but this is your day off, you don't have to come in", Mac joked. I held up the Ziploc bag.
"The Dressmaker was in my apartment. He left this on my bathroom mirror", I said, my voice shaking.
"Did you touch it at all?" Mac asked, taking the bag from me. I shook my head.
"I have latex gloves in my apartment, I used those to put it into a bag", I replied.
"Good thinking. We'll call you if something comes up", Mac said, walking off. I walked out and went to my truck. Boomer was yapping happily to see me. I rubbed his ears before getting back into my truck. I put the truck in reverse and dropped by Starbucks to get some coffee. I saw the barista who usually makes my drink.

"Hey, Ronan", I greeted him.
"Usual?" he asked. He seemed a bit sad. I smiled.
"Yep, here you go", I said, handing him the money in exact change.
"How's the day treating you?" he asked. He handed me my drink.
"Just started, but so far it's a good day", I replied. We chatted for a minute.
"So I heard you got a new guy", he said with a smile.
"Where'd you find that out?" I asked curiously.
"He's my brother", he replied. I raised my eyebrow and it hit me. Don and Ronan are brothers. I let out a laugh.
"Oh, I see the resemblance", I said. I took a sip of my drink and studied him. Yeah, I could definitely see the resemblance between Don and Ronan.
"Well, have a good day", he said. I smiled and went about my day after calling 'You too' over my shoulder. Little did he know, I was being harassed by a psychotic killer.

I pulled up to my grandfather's loft and I took the elevator up. I smiled when I saw Nonna with a bowl of her homemade gelatto.
"Isabella", she greeted me, kissing me on both my cheeks.
"Nonna, good to see you", I replied, kissing her on both her cheeks as well. I sat down on in the living room with her.
"Your grandfather will be back soon, I'm sure he would love to see you, Isabella", she said. I'd always loved hearing Nonna talk. Her voice was warm and soothing.
"I'd love to see Nonno, I feel so guilty for not returning his call the other day", I replied. She smiled. "Your job is very busy, love. He understands", she said, patting my hand. I smiled.
"I know, things have been so crazy lately", I admitted. The elevator dinged and Nonno stepped off the elevator. I stood up and hugged my grandfather.
"Nonno", I greeted. He hugged me back.
"Isabella, so good to see you", he greeted me. I knew he had been watching me, he did with all of my family.
"You mean in person and not from afar?" I said, studying my grandfather. He smiled.
"I look out for my granddaughter, nothing wrong with that", he replied, patting my arm.
"I'm thirty years old, Nonno. I don't need to be looked after all the time", I reminded him.

"I know, my dear, but you get yourself into trouble without meaning to", he replied, kissing my forehead. I smiled.
"I know, Nonno, but life is so boring otherwise", I teased. He sat me down with a bowl of gelatto.
"I had today off from work, I had to come and see my grandparents", I said, licking the gelatto off the spritz stick. Nonna smiled.
"Yes, I'm very glad you did. From what I've heard, you've been working very hard", she said.
"Well, tomorrow marks my third day on the job. I've worked two days, eighteen hours each day, so Mac thought I'd do well on a day off", I replied.
"Yes, Ian had brought over a small dog, saying you didn't want him", Nonno said.
"He's horrid. Boomer couldn't sleep on the bed with me or be anywhere near me", I replied. Nonna laughed.
"He was a wretched little thing", she agreed. I looked at the clock. Twelve thirty. I had an hour and a half to be dressed nicely to meet Don's dad. I stood up.
"I have to go, I have something planned and I have to get ready, but I'll definitely come see you again soon", I said. I kissed Nonna and Nonno and said my goodbyes.