Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

Falling For You

I couldn't help but feel a bit disgusted at the TV show that was on. It was a bit awkward to watch with Don in the room. It was one of Mackenzie's favorite shows 'TrueBlood'.
"This is like vampire porn", I said finally. I could tell by the look on Don's face that he wasn't into it either.
"And who's favorite show is this?" he asked.
"Mackenzie's. She freaking loves this show, I'll never understand why. If they're not going at it with cussing and weapons, they're going at it on a bed", I replied. I turned it to something else.
"Well, some people are into that", he said. I could tell he was dying to ask me something.
"Who's Jasper?" he asked out of nowhere. Ugh, I knew this was coming.
"Jasper who?" I asked innocently. He frowned, the expression highlighting his blue eyes.
"Don't play with me. His name is Jasper Bennett", he replied. My face fell.
"My ex-boyfriend. Gosh, he and I haven't been together in two years. Why're you bringing him up?" I said.
"He stopped by the station last night. Looking for you. You didn't seem like you'd wanted to be bothered, he called himself your boyfriend", he replied. I felt a rush of anger.
"I'll kill him", I said, standing up. He caught my hand.
"I didn't come over here to talk about your exes. I came here to watch some mindless chick flick and spend time with you", he told me. He tugged my hand to make me sit. I snuggled against his chest. He hated to cuddle, but I knew I could make him.
"Stop making me cuddle. I don't like it", he said. I nuzzled his neck, sitting on his lap.
"You said you wanted to spend time with me. You had to know this was coming", I said, propping my chin on his chest and fluttering my eyelashes. He kissed me gently.
"Woman, you are going to be the death of me", he replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Who's Jess?" I asked. His face paled and he set me onto the couch next to him. He slowly stood up and walked off.
"Where are you going?" I asked. He held up his hand as he leaned against the counter, signaling me to wait. I didn't know what the look on my face was as I waited. He sighed and looked up at me again.
"I knew this was coming. Jess was my partner a couple of years ago", he said.
"Was?" I asked. He nodded.
"She died in the line of fire protecting a suspect's son who was due to testify against his father", he replied. I wanted so badly to go over to him and comfort him, but I had the feeling he didn't want to be touched.
"I loved her a lot, we were together almost a year", he continued, his eyes far away.
"I was on the phone with her when she was shot". I drew in my breath. This obviously was a very painful memory for him.

"If it hurts you, don't talk about it", I started to say, but he held up his hand.
"It helps if I do talk. You wanted to know", he said. I closed my mouth and nodded.
"The night we were mourning her, to toast her bravery, Danny was shot in a drive-by". I'd heard about it from Lindsay, but I didn't know about Jess until someone had slipped up at work.
"I'd bounced from alcohol and women until I almost lost my job. If it weren't for Mac and an old informant of mine, I wouldn't still be a cop. Hell, I probably wouldn't even be alive", he said, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head. He fixed me with his glacial gaze.
"Honestly, I'd sworn off relationships till you came along", he said. I felt a warmness run from my ears to my toes.
"You seriously put up with too much with me", I said, chuckling.
"You don't give yourself enough credit. You are so unlike anyone else I'd ever met, let alone dated. Iz, you are so much like me. We're both too prideful and stubborn to accept help when we need it. I'd never met anyone who could take a prank like a man and dish it right back out", he replied. I walked up to him and hugged him tightly. He needed to stop being so understanding and amazing...I had to catch myself before I started to fall in love with him...and I had to hold back my biggest secret of all. I knew deep in my gut, that if he knew, then it would chase him off for good...

"Why'd you and Jasper split?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.
"He'd cheated on me. I thought I was in love with him up until that point", I replied. Don kissed my nose.
"He's an idiot", he said. I laughed.
"Yeah, my dad practically worshiped the ground he walked on up until that point. Now every time he sees him, he whacks him with his cane and tells him he's an idiot wrapped in a moron. My mom was absolutely sure he was my perfect match. Funny how things work out, huh?" I said.
"His loss is my gain", he replied, shrugging.
"My dad will come around to you. The circumstances of your meeting was less than ideal", I said. I kissed him.
"He doesn't like me because I'm a Flack. I seriously think if we were under eighteen, you'd be banned from seeing me", he replied. I snuggled against his chest.
"He doesn't think you'll make me happy. He's wrong, of course", I said. He smiled.
"My dad adores you, so we have that in our favor", he replied. He tightened his arms around me.

"Seriously, why on Earth do you like me so much? I've got more baggage than an international airport", I said. He kissed my forehead.
"I dunno. You're honestly the only person who's so much more different than me, but so similar. You don't put up with my crap, so that tends to make you shine a bit more to me", he replied. I kissed him again, feeling a little giddy.
"And honestly? Don't worry about why I'm with you, I just am and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon", he said. I nodded, resting my head on his chest. Oh, if he only knew...