Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

Stupid Allergies

I walked into the lab the next day and let out a huge sneeze, covering my mouth with my arm.
"God bless", Adam called. I walked in.
"Thanks. Stupid pollen is hell on my allergies", I replied. My voice was shot, you could barely hear a word I was saying.
"Oh, you don't sound so good", Danny commented. I glared at him.
"Well, damn, there goes my dream of being a voice actress", I replied.
"Allergy season already?" Adam said. I nodded.
"For me, it is. Pollen is so thick in North Carolina, everything turns yellow", I replied. I took a sip of water and tried to speak again. A bit better. Mac came in.
"Isabella, O'Riley wants you in interrogation", he said, pointing to me.
"My voice is shot, I won't be much help", I replied. He frowned.
"You sick?" he asked. I shook my head.
"It's allergies. Right around this time, I always lose my voice", I replied.
"Alright, I'll send someone else. Try not to talk and get plenty of water", he said. I nodded and went back to work. I went through trace and got a hit.
"Yes!" I tried to say, but it came out as a squeak. I did my little victory dance before taking the tablet and going out of the lab.
"So I got a hit on those fibers on the victim's clothes that was also on the other victims. It's bison down, used to make high-quality yarn", I said, handing the tablet to him. Mac looked surprised.
"Used to make handbags and certain styles of clothing. Well done", he said.
"So I cross-referenced it with stores in the city that uses bison down, and one store popped up. It's on 71st and it's called 'Eagle Eye'", I continued with a smile.
"This could be a major break. This yarn is highly unique", Mac replied. Jo came off the elevator.

"What do we got?" she asked. I showed her the tablet.
"Good job!" she said.
"Thanks", I croaked. She studied my throat.
"Yep, allergies", she said. I rolled my eyes.
"You need to stop spoiling us, or else you won't get any more days off. We're getting too used to your super-brain", she teased me. I chuckled and went back into the lab. I felt arms around my waist from behind and lips under my ear.
"We're at work, we're not supposed to show public displays of affection", I said, looking up.
"I'm waiting on Danny to go with me to go follow a lead, so I had a few minutes", Don replied, dropping a kiss onto my lips. I quickly unwound myself from his arms as I heard lab techs walking by.
"What's wrong with your voice, by the way?" he asked. I chuckled.
"I should just put a sign on my chest and back that says 'Allergies' on it. My voice will be like this for a week before it goes back to normal", I replied. I turned and grabbed a tissue, sneezing again.

"Pollen. I hate it", I muttered. He kissed my forehead as Danny walked up.
"Whoa, save it for after hours you two. I don't think the lab's ready for mini-Flacks and mini-Pacinos running around yet", he joked. I gave him an eye roll.
"Yes, Messer, because everyone knows babies are made by kissing each other's foreheads and holding hands", I replied.
"You never know, all I'm sayin'", Danny said. Lindsay came in.
"Hey, Izzy, wanna do a girls' night this weekend? It'll be you, me, Jo, and some other female lab techs. We're all gonna go salsa dancing", she said to me.
"If my voice is better, sounds like fun. I used to go salsa dancing in Wilmington all the time", I replied. I could feel Don's eyes burning into my head. I gave him a smile before returning to work.