Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time


Me and Danny pulled up to the store and went inside. A middle-aged Asian woman was working the register. She wore a long, flowing tan dress and sandals.
"What can I do for you gentlemen?" she asked.
"Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm Detective Flack, this is Detective Messer, we're with NYPD. Approximately, how many customers use bison down?" I said. She frowned, then pulled out a list.
"It wasn't a very big seller. Only four people use it, but I can't just give it to you without good cause", she replied.
"Look, we can get a subpoena for that list. It could be very big for our investigation", I said impatiently.
"Then you'd better get whatever it is. My customers rely on anonymity, and I'm not about to give that up", she replied defiantly. I sighed.
"We understand that, but what's more important? Keeping your customers' identities secret, or putting a killer behind bars?" I demanded. Her eyes widened as she slid the list over to me. Fake names, except for one. One Jesse Khan. I looked at Danny and pulled out my cell.
"Pacino", I heard my girlfriend lazily rasp into the phone.
"Can you cross-reference Jesse Khan's name with the Nikon registry?" I asked.
"Sure thing, just give me a minute", she replied. I heard tapping noises and a scan.
"Yep, we got Jesse Khan with a Nikon D300 SLR", she said. That was the model of the camera used to take the pictures of me and Isabella.
"We got him", I said to Danny. I hung up the phone and got into the car. I made my phone calls to my CO and we got a team of squad cars on our tail. The Avalanche pulled up. Mac, Isabella, and Jo filed out. We went inside and went up to his floor. I knocked on the door.

"Jesse Khan, NYPD", I called. Nothing. I looked at Danny and Isabella, who nodded back. Isabella kicked the door and it flew off its hinges into the apartment. Damn. Jesse Khan was asleep on the couch with headphones on. I nudged him in the leg and he shot up, all terrified. I held up the warrant. He shot out of the apartment. Isabella tripped him and he fell.
"I take it you're not here for a little good cop, bad cop", he said. She glared back down at him. We rifled through the stuff until I held up a camera.
"That looks suspiciously like a Nikon D300 SLR", Mac said. He gloved up and went through the picture history. He held up the camera where a picture of Isabella asleep was. He moved the arrow and the pictures of us from earlier on popped up. Isabella went through his music and held it up.
"We've got Atreyu", she rasped. I flipped Jesse onto his stomach and cuffed him. Time to get some answers once and for all.

Back in the interrogation room, Jesse was refusing to speak without a lawyer. Jenna Rivers, a public defender, strolled in.
"He's not speaking another word without me present", she announced.
"Well, the evidence speaks for itself. He's got incriminating photos of one of my detectives and Detective Flack and is using it as blackmail. We have his name on a list for bison down, which was found on victims. Upon interrogating other party-goers, we've discovered that they all saw Jesse Khan with each victim shortly before death. We have his prints on a rail outside one of my detectives' fire escapes. And his name on a Nikon registry for the same kind of camera used to take those photos", Mac replied. He spread out photos for the defender to see. Her face paled. We had him nailed.
"This could be anyone", she blustered.
"But it's him. We only found his prints on that camera. He's going to Rikers regardless", he replied, standing up and flipping the file closed.

I cuffed him and read him his Miranda rights. Getting him out was easy. Isabella's face showed relief and some other emotion I couldn't identify. Jesse glared balefully at her as I shoved him along. He was to be in lockup overnight and be sent to Rikers Island in the morning. After the cell door slammed, I walked off to find Isabella. I held out my arms and she hugged me tightly.
"It's finally over", she whispered.