Sequel: We'll Be Okay

Race Against Time

The Last Day

It was Isabella's last day at the lab. Things were crazy as she bounced from one place to another, from the precinct, back to the lab. I finally caught her arm, swinging her around.
"I don't have time to talk right now, I've got to finish this", she said.
"Take a breather. You're starting to cause whiplash", I replied. She raised her eyebrow.
"I can't even focus on that right now. I've got to drop off this paperwork, get everything in check, finalize my plane tickets, help Adam with reconstruction on his case, basically make it look like I was never here", she said. I had to admit, I was going to miss her a bit. I had gotten used to her being here all week, it was a lot easier.

"No excuse. You're going to burn yourself out before noon at this rate", I replied. She held up a long, lean aluminum can. It was a Monster energy drink.
"Levi made me drink this. I'll be up all day and night at this rate", she said. I had to chuckle, I'd seen her on coffee and she was bouncing off the walls. I took the can from her.
"This is dangerous for you. You're already too bubbly without it", I told her. She rolled her eyes.
"At least stuff will get done", she replied, taking the can back. She pressed the can to her lips and tossed her head back, finishing it off.
"Then you'll crash in the middle of the precinct in about two hours", I said.
"Then good thing I don't weigh much", she replied, tossing the can into recycling and walking off. Danny was watching us.
"You keeping in touch with her after she leaves?" he asked. I shrugged.
"Probably. She's pretty awesome", I replied.
"I heard she's into cars", Danny said. I gave him a look.
"More than I can say about any other woman in this workplace. She knows what she's talking about, lemme tell you", I replied.

"You goin' to Levi's tonight? He's having some kind of goodbye party for her", Danny said. I nodded, hearing about it the night before.
"Yeah, I am", I replied.
"Wanna grab a slice? Everything's real easy up at the lab, now that Isabella's Wonder Woman", Danny said. I laughed.
"That's 'cause Levi gave her an energy drink", I replied. Danny rolled his eyes.
"Country girls should never have excess caffeine. I remember once I took Lindsay out for coffee and was bouncing off the walls for the rest of the day", he said.
"Must be something in the air, I'm telling you. All that fresh air can't be healthy", I joked.
"C'mon, let's get that pizza, I'm starving", Danny said. I nodded and followed him out.
We walked into our favorite pizzeria, lazy country music playing over the speakers.

Danny sat down in our usual booth while I went to get our pizza. Lindsay had joined us later, thankful to be away from the lab.
"Poor woman's gonna burn herself out before she gets home", she said, referring to Isabella.
"I told her energy drinks were a bad idea", I replied, holding my hands up. After we were done, we walked back to the precinct. Mac pointed to Lindsay and Danny, motioning them into the conference room.
"I need you two for a minute", he said. They nodded and went into the room. I walked downstairs, finishing my paperwork. I heard the elevator ding, but didn't look up. I had to break that habit of looking up everytime the elevator dinged. Because starting tomorrow, it would only be just another lab tech, or possibly Danny or Mac if I was lucky.