Dream Big

Elizabeth Starr has just been discovered. Her whole career is planned out before her, and she is going to be a sucess. A million dollar star.
Ironic right?

Her first single, 'Rise,' is expected to hit the charts as number three for two weeks straight. Her first album 'A Different Me.' has already gone plantinum before the release date, due to half the songs leaked onto the internet.

Yes. Lizzy Starr is a huge success. An up coming dominant power teen. But nothing can stop the loneliness of fame. Nobody has bothered to prepare her for what is to come.

You lose everything you think is nothing once you dare to... Dream Big.

Disclaimer: I, Cali, own Elizabeth Starr and all other characters I create and my co -author Hometown. Hero, the plot is mine... blah,blah,blah. ;D Please don't steal and the world will be a happy place.

© 2011 ClickRightHere and Hometown.Hero