The Complicated Life And Times Of Winry Butler (First Life)

Chapter Deux

“Why me? Why did you have to dance with me?”

“Hey, it’s not my fault your personality sucks.”

I glared over the dining room table at Nate. Ever since I woke up this morning he was rubbing salt in the wound. I couldn’t see my sister until after the wedding, which was completely unfair! After I ate a few slices of toast. I walked out of the dining room. I couldn’t stand being near him for one more instant. He was so insufferable!

But I couldn’t help, but be attracted to him. And the fact that he could sense when I was lying didn’t help either. After I had woken up, he had turned my face to his and stayed a few centimeters away from my face. Then he said ‘You want me don’t you?’ I told him ‘No.’ but he just laughed at me.

I walked into a room with double doors and gaped. They had a three story library... I walked in completely stupefied and ran my index finger over the spines of the many books that lined the walls. I was in Heaven!

I grabbed the first title that caught my eye and flopped into a overstuffed chair, throwing my feet over the arm of the chair and leaning my back against the other. I was in the middle of reading a grand battle between a prophesied warrior and the evil empress that threatened to take over the land and harm the good people of the country, when I noticed that I felt a presence in the room.

I dog-eared the page and looked around. My peripheral vision caught something. I turned and saw Nate’s face an inch from my own. I squealed and tried to get away from him, but the only thing I succeeded in doing was falling out of the chair.

I braced myself for the impact of the floor, but it never came. I opened my eyes and looked up. I was in Nate’s arms. He was shaking his head.

“You are such a klutz,” he mumbled. I rolled my eyes and squirmed out of his arms. I still didn’t know how I would react if I stayed alone with him for too long. I mean, I had fallen asleep with him, but that was sleep. This was being conscious and aware of what was going on around me.

“So what if I am?” I shot back. If he was going to be that way, so could I. He looked at me with amusement, that just ticked me off. I huffed, grabbed the book I was reading, and stomped to the other side of the library. I wasn’t going to leave, oh no. He interrupted me reading, I had been here first. He would be the one leaving.

I glanced up from my book to see that he wasn’t where I left him. I grinned in victory after I glanced around the room to see that he had left. I looked around at my new seating arrangement and noticed that a small balcony jutted out above me. I felt nice and cozy in an armchair, with a low ceiling over my head. Reminded me of home.

I went back to my book, until I felt like I was being watched again. I looked up from my book and glanced around. Nothing. Just getting a little paranoid from the prat, I told myself. I started to read again until I got that feeling again. I sighed and glanced up from my book. Nothing. Geez, get a hold of yourself. Something out of my peripheral vision caught my attention and I looked up.

“Holy Mother of God!” I screamed, holding a hand over my heart. Nate was hanging by his legs from the balcony above me. Dammit, I should have checked there... I caught my breath and chucked the book at his head. He dodged it, but it loosened his leg from his hold and h fell onto his back.

I put a hand over my mouth and just stared at him. “Pfft, hahahahahaha!” I couldn’t stop laughing. He sat up and glared at me, his eyes red, but that didn’t matter. The effect kind of wore off as he rubbed his butt in pain.

“Are-are, hm-hee, you o-okay?” I giggled behind my hand. He stood up and walked over to me, his eyes pure red. I still couldn’t get the picture out of my mind.

“So you thought that was funny, huh?” he smirked at me and I didn’t like the look in his eyes. I nodded in defiance and that’s where everything went wrong. He threw me over his shoulder and began to walk out of the library.

After the initial shock wore off I slapped his back with an open fist. “Hey! I was reading! Put me back!” He ignored me and continued to walk, I felt a cool breeze grace my cheek and noticed that I was in a room I had never been in. It smelled a little strange, unusual. And then, he threw me into the water.

I surfaced and looked up at him sputtering and gasping for breath. I felt my hair stick to my face, and the dress was soaked and weighing me down as I swam to the side of the stone closure

“What the hell did you throw me in?!” I pulled myself up and out of the water and laid down on my back taking in deep breaths.

Nate’s face appeared upside down in my sight. “It’s called a pool. And I will throw you in it everytime something like that happens.” His smirk was really starting to tick me off.

I smiled sickly sweet at him. “So you can’t come up with a comeback good enough to match my wits, so you revert to something as barbaric as throwing my in a ‘pool’ to save your pride?” His smirk faltered and he placed his hands under my arms dragging me up again and began to push me back to the water.

“Okayokay! I’m sorry!” He stopped pushing me and released me so that I could turn around and storm past him.

If that’s the way he wanted to be, so be it.