Stick Boy and Match Girl



My feet tiredly ran along the track, it was hot out and I hated it. Brendon’s feet echoed next to me as he tiredly looked forward keeping up with my slow jog. We passed some students who were walking along as other ran passed us. I hate Wednesdays, they always made us run. I wouldn’t mind it if it was in the morning not in the late afternoon where it was beyond hot. To sum up my love for P.E I didn’t like it at all.

The conversation that Brendon and I were trying to have while running was cut short, I was bugging him to tell me what had happened that Friday when we were drunk and all I got out was that he didn’t remember. I wouldn’t really care if it wasn’t for Ryan who was now being distant. It started the next morning with him next to me with a killer headache. There was that smile on Ryan’s face that easily said that he was happy but when he asked me what I remembered and I honestly answered, ‘I don’t really remember much,’ And little did I know that was going to send him walking off.

I didn’t know what I did or what I could’ve said while being drunk, Brendon was no help so I stopped asking him. I was in deep thought trying to remember anything, there was one thing I sort of remembered but I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or it actually happened. I didn’t want to tell Brendon that I dreamed of kissing Ryan, because I really didn’t want to get teased or if that did happen I feel like a bitch for not remembering.

I was going head on in my third lap, I looked down at my hand that had two marker marks in reminder of the laps I’ve done. I was almost done, my paced picked up slightly as my eyes roamed towards the blenchers a girl clung to a fair looking guy, and they were connected at the lips. It only took me from the time our P.E teacher marked my hand to me tripping over a leg of a student and on the floor to figure out that, that fair looking guy was Ryan.

My knees remained on the ground with a hand on the burning track, my eyes were wide and my mouth dropped. There was a lump growing in my throat as I continued to watch, I felt someone bring to my feet.

“Who the fuck ties their shoes in the middle of the damn track?!” I heard Brendon yell, I gasped slightly at the sting forming on my knee caps. “Anna, are you okay?” He continued.

I looked down at my knees seeing the really pale circles slowly getting color of bright red; it wasn’t long after the blood was dripping down my legs slowly. “Oh man!” I whined and was picked up bridal style by Brendon.

“Teacher, Anna is bleeding. I think she just might die!!” Brendon said over dramatic, he pushed a few students out of the way.

“Urie, calm down...” The teacher said and finally came in contact with my knees. “Oh wow, take to her to the nurse right away.” She demanded.

Brendon nodded quickly and continued to carry me refusing to let me down. I wrapped my arms around his neck, ignoring the sweat that had formed there. We just had to pass the make out couple, I looked up at Brendon who noticed them, and I expected to hear whistles and cheers but nothing. My legs met the back of the girl.

“Watch out!” She snapped and turned.

I lifted up my legs to see if any of the blood had gotten on her, just a bit. I sighed deeply wanting the blood to disappear already, the sight of it was starting to gross me out and it was ruining my socks and a bit of my converse.

“Oh my god, what happened Anna?!” Ryan panicked and started to walk next to us.

“She hurt herself,” Brendon answered for me.


“She tripped,”


“On the track, what the fuck is this? A game of Clue, fuck.” Brendon had snapped. I looked at him oddly wondering why he was being rude all of sudden. I watched as Ryan looked at me and then at Brendon, he shook his head and walked away.

I kept my stare on Brendon; he has been acting all weird since Monday. I took my eyes off of him finally when we were in the nurse’s office, he placed me on one of those bed things. The nurse kindly asked Brendon to clean off the blood that was dried on my leg as she got what she needed.

“What’s your deal Bren?” I asked him in a quiet tone.


“Why are you being rude to Ryan?” I continued.

Brendon rolled his eyes and started to carefully wipe off the blood, he shook his head a little. “What would you say if I was a little jealous but fully scared?”

“I would say what are you talking about?”

“Don’t hate me okay?” He pleaded earning a small unsure nod from me. “Something did happen with you and Ryan, after I came back from the restroom you guys were kissing…” He explained quietly.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment; the wet napkin that was wiping the blood had stopped. I covered my face for a moment not really sure on how to handle this, let alone feel about this. I, Anna kissed my best friend Ryan, the dude who made me nervous and confused, what else could I possibly done? He was kissing another girl, so… he has no patients for hung-over people let alone forgetful ones? My worries were all over the chart, I should be calm for now.

I uncovered my face and looked Brendon who was looking sad and worry, I sighed deeply and smiled slightly. “So tell me, why were you a bit jealous but fully scared?”

“A bit jealous because Ryan seems to get everyone, he’s got the best friend along with sort of an awesome social life. I’m like some kind of disgusting monster. And fully scared because what if you guys happen to become something, then you break up and where do I go? I’m being pulled in two different directions.”

I shook my head wildly at Brendon, “First off, you’re not a disgusting monster. You’re only freshmen, wait until next year and I promise you’ll have girls eating off your hand.” I said and smiled. “And I’m not going to force you to pick between us. If you pick Ryan, then awesome, being alone doesn’t sound bad, I love it.” I lied, becoming a loner wasn’t something I wanted, and I wasn’t the social butterfly like Ryan or like Brendon.

“And what if I don’t have them even at that point, then I really would believe that I’m this disgusting monster.” His tone hit another level of sad. “And I honestly couldn’t pick sides, I guess I’m being a little selfish and only thinking of myself. You guys could possibly make it.” Brendon stated while smiling weakly, he started to wipe the blood again.

“Then when you’re out of high school, looking sexy as ever those girls would come to realize that they didn’t give you a chance and feel completely and utterly lame.” I tried to comfort while running my fingers through his messy hair. “You act like it’s happening already; it’s not going to be happen. He pretty much got over that kiss.”

“He’s a dumbass; it’s not your fault, mainly mine and his stubborn ass for not just telling you about the kiss and whatever happened after that if anything did happen.”

As I was about to reply Brendon was pushed aside gently of course and with no further ado I was wincing in pain from the rubbing alcohol and finished with the skin color band-aids. I found it sort of hard to walk seeing that my knees stung and it felt like with every bend of the knees I was making it bleed more. Brendon politely give me a piggy back ride back to the lockers which we both agreed to ditch our last two classes of the day.

The walk home was brutal for Brendon, it didn’t matter how many times I told him I could try and walk even if it was slow. He only gripped tighter to my legs and threatened a bit if I let go of his neck or tried to get off his back. I didn’t want to upset him so I stayed on. We were soon greeted by the cool air of my house and Brendon was attacking two bottles of cold water. I slowly walked to the couch and sat down, resting my feet on the coffee table and sunk down a little.

“You know what we should do?” I heard Brendon ask as my eyes closed, I nodded a little letting him know that I was listening and curious. “Tomorrow, let’s ditch school and just hang out me and you.”

“Sounds good to me, it’s not all the time we hang out.” I stated lightly. I hated the thought of losing Ryan.

“No it’s not, we should have a day just us… since we never had that before and make it a regular thing.”

“But I’m not ditching school all the time,”

“Well obvious, there is the weekends An,” Brendon said and laughed, I felt his head drop onto my shoulder probably feeling beyond tired.

It wasn’t often that I got to spent time alone with Brendon seeing that it always the three of us, but it was sad to say that I think things were changing either for the worst or the better but I couldn’t help but feel that something bigger was happening than just me and Ryan.
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i'm pretty sure i know what you're thinking, 'how could ryan do that, that little asshole...' or something close. what's a story without some drama? it'll work out, trust me on that because i got the ideas in my head, yo. but hopefully i dont lose readers for that D: that would make me sad.
so comments, subscriber, make my world spin faster!