Status: Complete

God's Gonna Cut You Down

Food Fight

Eliza and Eunice came back downstairs and took their places at the table. As Eliza took a bite of the pasta Eunice had made white cheese sauce dripped down her chin and before she could wipe it away Connor remarked, "That's a good look for you."

"Hold your tongue!" she said, as she wiped her chin clean with the napkin.

"Make me."

She narrowed her eyes at him, then picked up a handful of noodles and threw them across the table, hitting him in the face. As Murphy and Romeo burst into laughter Connor retaliated with a handful of his own. The war broke out between the two and as Eliza ducked under the table from another handful Paul shouted "STOP IT YOU TWO! You're acting like children."

Eliza sat up straight and stared at her father. "He started it," she said.

"I did not. You threw the first handful."

"You started it when you invaded my privacy."

"How was I supposed to know what you were writing was private?"

"Does it matter?"


"STOP!" Paul shouted again. "You're both grounded. Go to your rooms."

"You can't ground us," Eliza protested, "We're adults."

"Yeah, and you're not my father."

"I don't care! I just want the two of you to stop."

Silently Eliza and Connor sat in their chairs staring down at their laps.

"I think they like each other," Romeo observed.

"Ew!" they both shouted at the same time.

"Why would I like him?"

"Yeah, and she's pretty, but she's still Smecker's daughter. That'd just be weird."

Eliza stuck her tongue out at Connor, and Paul shouted, "ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" Every one sitting at the table became silent and left each other alone.


"You sure this is the place?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah. I was told she came out of here yesterday morning."

"Do you know where she went?"

Theo shook his head.

"Well, let's go find out." They got out of the car and walked across the road up to the small bar. What was someone like Eliza doing in a place like this anyways?