Status: One-shot!

Broken Heart

Broken Heart

The girl walked barefoot along the rocky beach. Her feet making soft noises as she kicked the sand and rocks about. The sharp edges of the rocks cut against her feet. Leaving a trail of blood behind her.
The beach was deserted. It was always deserted. No one liked this beach. Except for the ones who were heart broken.
And that's what the girl was. Heart broken.
The man of her dreams led her on and dumped her. She had actually believed that he had loved her. But she learned her lesson.
Just the day before the saw the man with another girl. There were rumors. But she didn't believe them. That was until she saw it with her own two eyes.
Tears had brimmed her eyes and she ran away. She ran home and packed her bag.
She ran out the door and went to the beach. She stayed out all night looking at the stars.
Just sitting on razor-like rocks, gazing up at the sky that also seemed lonesome.
She turned a little crazy that night. She started talking to the stars.
"there's thousands of you little guys up there. Just like how there's thousands of us down here. But no one gets a soul mate. Or well, a rock mate in your case. Love doesn't exists up there does it? It sure doesn't exists down here. I thought I was in love. But you know what? I wasn't. Nope. Not at all," She giggles to the stars.
She fell back and fell asleep.
She awoke to a shadow looming over her. She sat up startled. Forgetting for a moment why she was at the beach that no one likes. She looks up and suddenly all of the memories come back rushing to mind.
"What are you doing here?" She asks the man, glaring holes into his body.
"I was looking for you. I wanted to explain to you-" He said, but she cut him off.
"No! You know what you did. I know what you did! What were you thinking? That you could get away with it?" She screamed at him.
"No! I-"
"No! Get out of here now. I never want to see you again!" She screamed one last time.
He looked at her and left.
The girl pulled her knees to her chest and cried. Her fat tears were soaking her jeans. Her cries were washed away with the wind and the waves.
She sat there for a good hour. When she was done she dried all of here tears and stood up.
She Took off her shoes and socks. She cringed as her feet slowly moved against the sharp rocks.
She started walking, finally realizing how to avoid the pain. She had to take the pain and string it into her feelings. Each step, each cut, each blood drop was a memory of him.
She counted all the memories. There were alot.
She was at the other side of the beach by the time she hit her latest memory: Him at the beach.
She stepped towards the water. She let the pure white sand hit her toe. The small waves rolled up to her and crashed around her knees. She stood on her tip toes and let the next wave clean her feet. She let all of her memories go with the waves.
The waves had helped ease her pain.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes... I'm bitter.
I had a really bad day. So I needed to write.
And here's what came out of it!
Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.
Comments are loved!