Call It Love, Call It Lies


"You care if I listen to some music??"

"Nah," I logged off Facebook and headed for the dinning room. "Depends on what you listen to though."

He was silent for a moment while he flipped through stations on "Bullet For My Valentine??"

I sat down at the table and told him that was fine.

He joined me and picked his beer up. It was his...third maybe?? Excuse me, tall boy. Not beer as he corrected me twice already.

"Smoke again??" I reached for my stash and started getting it ready.

"Of course," He finished his tall boy/beer and cracked open another.

Davi was cute. Very cute. He was tall with dark blonde hair and dark brown eyes. His skin was pretty tan and he had some stubble on his chin and cheeks from not shaving. He dressed like a skater and wore a paint splattered hoodie.

He was staying with us for the week while he worked on one of my father in law's rental houses. He slept on the couch and was gone before I was up each morning. He had been a little quiet at first but I'm sure drinking three or four tall boys could open anyone up for conversation.

We were alone tonight. My husband was at work and Davi was done with his work for the day.

I watched him take another swig out of his can and remembered I had half a bottle of cheap wine in the fridge.

I grabbed it and poured me a glass, my stomach starting to develop some butterflies. Davi had been flirting just a little all night and I had to admit, I was enjoying myself. Shouldn't have been, but I was.

We started talking about our favorite bands and took turns looking for songs. We smoked a few joints and a bowl or two and I finished my bottle. His can had been empty for awhile. He kept flirting, and even making sure our fingers touched when we passed something to the other.

I was getting close to being a little more than tipsy. Him as well.

"I'm tired. I wish I could just go to sleep," He laid his head down on the table. "I've been up since like seven this morning working."

I looked at him, hoping he wasn't about to crash on me. Instead, he got up and went to the living room. He plopped down hard on the couch.

I took the arm chair and turned the tv on. I could feel him looking at me. "Y'know we could switch if you can't see the screen good."

Okay, I was gonna lie. "And y'know we could just share the couch. I don't have cooties. I can't really see the screen anyway."

Davi straightened up and I sat down beside him.

As if on cue, Marty jumped up in the space between us and started purring. Marty, the big fat tabby cat. Both our hands landed on the cat at the same time. He moved his hand along the cat, making sure his fingers brushed mine.

Marty nipped my fingers so I pulled back, dropping my hand in my lap.

He kept petting, sliding his hand closer to my leg so that his knuckles brushed my leg. Every time he touched my leg, the butterflies did cartwheels in my stomach.

Though, soon enough, the petting slowed and Marty took off. I glanced at Davi and laughed. His chin was resting on his chest and his fingers twitched like he was still petting a cat in his sleep.

I felt a little disappointed that he had crashed on me. Though, it was probably a good thing. My husband would be home in just a little while.