Call It Love, Call It Lies


When I got up the next morning, he was already gone as usual so I sat down at the table and frowned. I lit up a cigarette and closed my eyes.

His hand was touching my leg. On purpose last night. I wasn't imagining it.

I heard the door open and close sometime in the midst of all my confused thinking and he appeared in the door way. "You got any coffee??"

"We're out of sugar," I said quietly. "I can go get some more if you want."

Davi shook his head. "Nah, it's fine." He stood there looking at me but looked away when I lifted my eyes up from the table.

We were going to be alone again tonight. And the thought of that made me nervous. Him touching my leg and hand last night was one thing but what would happen tonight?? He probably would be distant and quiet. He would pretend he never flirted even once. I sighed.
That was my luck after all.

We sat and talked for a little while til it was time for him to go back to work.

I watched him go out the door and close it behind me. He looked behind him through the glass and chuckled. I felt heat flood my face and I turned away, my heart thudding.

I really was gonna do this if it came up wasn't I?? A sinking feeling replaced the butterflies and I had to sit back down.

My husband hated me. Every time he drank, there he was screaming it into my face for all the world to know. He was sleeping with several different women that I knew of and he rarely touched me anymore. And if he did, it was to prove a point.

He could do it to me easily but could I really do this??

But the more I stood there and thought about all the shit my husband does to me and has been doing for the past four years, the more pissed off I became.

I looked down at myself. I was still in my pjs and still had bed hair. I headed towards the bathroom, stripping off my clothes as I went. I started the bath and went to my room for clothes.

My husband was in our bed, sound asleep. He would be getting up for work soon and the sooner he left, the better. I stood there, watching him.

I don't know how long I stood there before the sound of the tub over flowing brought me back.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit," I ran down the hall and stopped the water, pulling the tub stopper out too to drain some water so I could fit in without sending more water into the floor. "Fuck!"
I waited impatiently for the water to slowly drain and then I climbed in. I rested my head on the back and closed my eyes. Yep, I was going to go through with this. Maybe, in some sick way, I would get some what even with my husband.

Later, we sat in the living room with a movie on. Davi had another one of his tall boys in one hand and had Marty under his other. I sat in the arm chair and watched him out of the corner of my eye.

We sat and talked about little things until the movie went off. He told me to put another on and after picking something completely random and probably uninteresting, I sat down beside him on the couch.

Earlier, he'd brought me a beer. Poured out into a mug, how gentlemanly of him.

I sipped my drink and nearly choked when he asked if I was any good with my hands. All sorts of things ran through my mind and I could feel my face heating up.

He turned a little so his back was to me. "Could you rub my shoulders??"

I laughed, feeling stupid. "Okay."

God, he was warm. He had nice, very nice shoulders and his shoulders were all I could think about for the next...however long I sat there rubbing them. I just really hoped I didn't have some cheesy, happy look on my face.

He straightened up and grinned at me. "Thanks. That really felt good."

"You're welcome," I picked my beer back up and stared down into the glass.

Davi touched my shoulder. "Do you want a back rub??"

Oh my...

I cleared my throat. "Sure."

He made me pull my hair up and I nearly melted when his hands landed on my skin. His hands were strong and I felt like I was becoming looser and looser by the second. He trailed his fingers lightly down my back, up again, and around the front to my collar bones.

He did this for several minutes until I noticed each time his fingers came around to my collar bones, they slipped a little lower.

My heart was thudding and when his hands finally slipped onto my breasts, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Either let him keep going or elbow him in the face. I had to choose now.

My marriage or this.

With a lump in my throat, I suddenly realized I was about to use Davi. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. After all, he knew I was married and this was just going to be about something physical. Right??

Fuck it.

He slipped his hands into my shirt and I leaned into his chest.

He paused and looked down at me and I nodded. His lips met mine and my heart froze. He had soft lips and he knew just what to do. The kiss was...surprisingly tender for two people fixing to hook up on the couch in her husband's living room.

I didn't push him away.