Call It Love, Call It Lies


Afterwards, Davi cleared his throat and stood up for his clothes. He got dressed and stood in the door way to the dining room and watched me. "You okay??"

All I could do was stare at my knees for a few moments. I was panting hard and my throat was dry.


I stretched. "I'm fine. Really."

He chuckled. "Well I've never been with a married woman before. It was nice."

The words "married woman" seemed to echo.

I found my clothes and watched him pace a little. "My husband isn't going to find out."

"Oh, I know he won't. We both would be in deep shit."

He reclaimed his seat. He watched me for a little while and I pretended not to notice, my face hot. Though, I couldn't get the stupid little grin off my face.

Suddenly, his hands were on my shoulders again. I closed my eyes, feeling a swarm of butterflies flood my stomach. He pulled the same routine, fingers down my spine, around to my collar bones, and finally to my breasts again.

I felt his breath on my ear and then his teeth.

I melted.

Later on, we sat side by side on the couch quietly. He kept flirting at times, enjoying the fact he could make my face scarlet red. Another movie was on but we had the volume off, and his hand was on my knee.

"Here," He took my face in his hand. "Lemme show you something."

The kiss left me light headed, spinning. If Davi kept it up, I was going to get started all over again and we didn't have the time. My husband would be home soon.

With the realization that my husband would be home soon, I jumped up and ran for the shower.

Every time he came home from being with someone else, I could clearly smell whoever's perfume on him. He would smell Davi on me. Shit.

Davi followed me and leaned against the doorway. "Y'know, I really didn't think I was gonna go through with it," He chuckled. "But then you pulled my hair."

I blushed, trying to concentrate on getting the shower going.

Davi turned to go. "And make sure you pull up your hair. Put that shit in a pony tail."
I obeyed and quickly took my shower. I scrubbed my skin almost raw.

When I turned the shower off, I froze. I could hear Davi and my husband talking in the living room. Fuck.

I took my time getting dressed, feeling almost terrified. My husband would kill us both and not think twice. And he wouldn't even bother with digging us a shallow grave.

Taking several deep breaths, I opened the door and slapped a fake smile on my face when I saw him. I kissed his cheek. "How was work??"

"Eh," He shrugged out of his work shirt and headed to the table for our stash. "The usual."

I didn't dare look in Davi's direction. I was afraid that if I even spoke to him in front of my husband that the attraction would be obvious.

I felt like I had "we just slept together" tattooed on my forehead.

The three of us hung out for a while before I could gratefully escape to my bedroom for the night, feeling giddy.

The next morning, we didn't speak much. I had to grit my teeth to not let my disappointment show. It was like we never touched each other. But, it wouldn't matter today. My husband had the day off.

We ran out of cigarettes so I had to ask my husband for money to buy more, something I fucking hated with a passion. I hated knowing that I had no way to get money other than to beg for it. It churned my stomach.

He gave me the money and sat up on his elbow in bed looking at me. "So," I could hear the venom in his voice. "What did you and Davi talk about all night??"

I shrugged, feeling like a cornered rabbit. "Music mostly. And we watched some tv."

"Hmmm." He didn't believe me. In fact, he actually looked like he was almost afraid that I really did what he thought I did. I did, he just didn't need to know that.

"Want anything else from the store??" I asked, dropping a kiss to his forehead.

He shook his head and laid his head back down.

I shut the bed room door behind me and started down the hall. I was stunned to realize I had no remorse. None. Not a bit. I had enjoyed myself and I would do it again as soon as Davi and I were alone.