Call It Love, Call It Lies


I wasn't going to lie. I was very fucking annoyed. And I didn't know why and I couldn't help it.

Davi had barely said even three words to me all day. All freaking day. He'd been pretty talkative to my husband and I hated to admit it, my feelings were kinda a little hurt. But I was seriously stupid if my feelings were hurt at that.

I wasn't supposed to have any feelings for another guy while I was married. I frowned. Or do what I did while I was married either. Oh well.

I couldn't help it but I really wanted his attention. Not just for sex but I just wanted him to talk to me. A part of me lit up a little every time he came into the room. If anything, I really wanted him to kiss me again.

I sighed and glanced in the living room. My husband and Davi sat around on the couch and arm chair playing a video game. They laughed and talked.

I sat and sulked.

Davi had talked earlier about him possibly leaving tomorrow, depending on how much he got finished on the house he was working on. If he left tomorrow, I was gonna be crushed.

Maybe almost a little heart sick too.

I wasn't in love with guy. No way. We'd only really known each other since Monday and it was only Thursday. I frowned again. You're not trying to fall in love with him, idiot.

Having a monster crush on him sounded about right though.

The next morning I woke up at six thirty, wanting to be around him as much as possible. He was still sleeping when I crept into the living room.

With a sigh, I headed towards the kitchen to my coffee pot. I stared at it, my heart feeling heavy. I really had gotten fucking stupid. I wanted him to stay.

The smell of coffee had barely even drifted to the living room when I heard him moving around. He appeared in the door way, eyes barely open and with one sock on. "Coffee??" He mumbled.

My heart ached.

"Yeah," I grabbed a mug and started fixing my own cup. "The big mug's over there on the counter."

We fixed our coffee in silence.

"You're leaving today right??" I stared down at my cup thinking: stupid, stupid, stupid.

"If I get the house finished, yeah."

More silence.

I cleared my throat. "Y'know, we can go again before you leave if you want."

One of his eye brows went up. "We'll have to see. If nothing else, I can still work on the house til Monday. It's long, tedious work and I want it done. But, we'll see."

I nodded, feeling a little better. I knew it wasn't a good idea to get my hopes up that he'd stay but I never could help feeling some hope, no matter what was going on. Besides, I knew the minute he got in that car and pulled out of the drive way I was going to be upset.

He was going to leave here either way. Either today or Monday.

Please, please, please, Monday.

We'd be alone again tonight if he stayed.

I took my cup into the living room and swore when I picked up a empty pack of cigarettes. I'd have to go to the damn store in the - I glanced out the window - rain.

Just my luck.

I drained my cup and headed towards my shower. I got undressed and stood there under the spray, thinking. My chest was tight and my eyes burned a little.

None of this was supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to be falling for a guy that I cheated on my husband with. But I was. And when he was gone, I didn't know when I'd see him again. He lived with my father in law and my father in law rarely came into town.
I shut the water off and got dressed slowly. I caught myself in the mirror and stared.

Davi -

Screw it.

I grabbed my make up bag from under the counter and started on my eye liner. I finished up quickly and took a step back to look at myself. My hair went into a pony tail and I twisted it up with a hair clip.

My jeans were a little tighter than what I usually wore and I had on a low cut tank top. Davi wasn't going to fucking forget me that's for damn sure.

I strode out of the bathroom and saw he was already at work on the house. I felt a little annoyed but shrugged it off.

The trip to the store was quick and I was back before it started raining harder.

I took an energy drink, muffins, and a cigarette down to the house Davi was at and pushed open the door.

He was standing on a ladder in one of the back bedrooms, painting.


He jumped and I laughed, not realizing he'd had his headphones in.

"Geez," He climbed down. "Don't come walking in like that. I could've been in here rocking with my cock out."

I smiled. "Would it matter?? I've already seen it."


I sat what I brought him on the ladder steps. "Consider it your breakfast."

"Aw, thank you. I really appreciate it."

"Mhm." I stood there for a second but he was already starting at the wall, probably wondering where to paint next.

Sighing, I left the bed room and opened the front door. I stood there for a few seconds, hoping he'd say something. But of course he didn't. I could already here the swishing of the paint brush.

I closed the door softly and headed back to the house.

I really honestly didn't like how he had his hands all over me one night and pretty much kept his distance the next. His distance was to make sure my husband didn't find out, I told myself. And I hoped I was right.

I fished a cigarette out of my pocket and went to light it. A smear of paint on my hand caught my eye and I frowned. Must've got it on me when I sat the stuff down on the ladder.

I froze, the cigarette slipping from my lips.

The paint was in the shape of a lopsided heart.