Status: On a wait, fixing up the chapters I have so far. Then I'll continue writing and posting. :) I'll work as fast as I can!

The Outcasts

Chapter 5; Secret Double Dates


This one is shorter then the others, sorry. Enjoy the story.

Secret double dates

“I can pick out my own clothes. And plus, were just hanging out.” I say and she sighs this time.

“Okay, okay. Whatever you say, Cels, whatever you say.” She says and leaves my room laughing. I grab a plain black skirt that goes to my knees, a red tank top and black ballerina shoes. I shower and change, then go and have breakfast.

By the time I finish and brush my teeth and hair, its time for Ichigo to pick me up. I grab my messenger bag along with my wallet, lip balm, and other important things. I sit in the living room and wait. There was a knock on the door and my dad gets there first and starts questioning Ichigo and someone else. I push my dad away and see Ichigo and Chad there.

“Hey Chad, glad you could make it. Come on in.” Yuri says.

I take Ichigo by his arm and run out of the door saying, “I’ll be back later, see ya.” And we were down the streets so my dad won’t follow.


“Hey, Yuri; can you and your friend here do me a favor?” Dad asked.

“Sure. Let me guess. You want us to follow them, right?” Yuri asked and he nods, handing her money. “Okay. Come on Chad, we’re going with Ichigo and Cels…without them knowing.” Yuri said pointing to him and they follow behind Ichigo and Celeste.


Chad and I left my house to follow Ichigo and Cels on their ‘date’. “You do know we’re stalking them.” Chad says and my eyebrow twitches.

“No…..I am merely keeping an eye on them, while I am with you, so I won’t look suspicious.” I say and go buy tickets to the same movie as my sister. We get a seat in the back and watch the movie. Every now and again, I squealed and hid my eyes with my hands and Chad places his arm around my shoulders. I look up at him and he smiles.

(Ichigo & Celeste)

“So, what do you wanna see?” Ichigo asked as we are walking down the road.

“It doesn’t matter to me.” I say and smile at him. So Ichigo and I see a thriller movie. The movie wasn’t all that scary, but I did jump a few times, and grabbed Ichigos arm. I hid in Ichigos shoulder/arm about twenty times during the movie. When it was over, Ichigo and I went to a café and talked about the movie.

“You know, I feel bad that you bought my ticket. You didn’t have too. I could have paid for it.” I say sipping my strawberry milkshake.

“I wanted to, so don’t feel bad.” He says with a small smile.

“Uh, hey. Isn’t that Rukia?” I ask pointing.

“Isn’t that Yuri and Chad?” He asks pointing at her and I see she went over to Rukia.

“I guess she’s here to meet with Rukia.” I say totally guessing.

(Yuri’s POV)

After the movie, we follow them to a little café. I order a chocolate shake, and Chad orders a glass of water. There, I see Rukia about to walk over to her.

“Hey, Rukia…come here. Don’t bother them. They came to ‘hang out without any friends’ today, or in my case, a date. So don’t bother them, I want it to be good.” I tell her and she nods, and then I go back to my table and start talking with Chad. Not really paying attention to Cels and her date, and more on my own.

“You’re not really paying attention to your sister like your dad wanted, are you?” He asks and I sweat drop.

“She’s breathing, she’s okay.” I say and laugh a little.

(Celeste’s POV)

Ichigo and I were talking about random things, when we hear a beeping. It was coming from Rukia. Ichigo places enough money for both of our drinks and we stand. Rukia runs out and we follow her.

“Where’s the hollow?” Ichigo asked.

“Just up ahead.” She says and we stop at the spot she told us to.

“Shine, Raiketsu!” I say and my body falls as I became a shinigami. Rukia slams her gloved hand into Ichigos back and we run to the hollow. I cut its arm, missing its skull and Ichigo glares at the gopher like hollow, then jump up and cutting its arm, and then slicing its mask in an angry fashion. The hollow disappears and he goes back to his body. I go back to my body and Rukia comes over to us.

“I’ll get you a Mod soul by tomorrow.” Rukia tells me and I nod. She then dashes down the street and I look at Ichigo.

“Are…you okay? You look mad. Did I do anything to make you angry? I’m sorry.” I say and look at the ground.

“No, it’s not your fault. I was really hoping that no hollows show up today. Don’t worry; it’s not your fault. I should take you home now anyways.” He says and we start the walk to my house. The entire way home was silent. ‘Raiketsu, did I do anything?’ I thought to Raiketsu. ‘Not that I have heard or seen of.’ She replied. We get to my door and Ichigo breaths.

“See ya at school.” He says, waving as he leaves. I go in a bit confused.

“Honey! How was your date?” My dad asked.

“What date?” I asked him.

“Ichigo.” He states back.

“Dad! We were hanging out! He would have said something if it wasn’t like that.” I say and go to my room. I change and lock my door, hearing Yuri come home and her and dad whispered to each other. I lie in bed and stare out of the window. “What did I do?” I ask myself and see two people jumping on roofs before I fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoy this. It is a bit shorter then the others. :)