Status: Oneshot!

Ocean Skies

Ocean Skies

Marlee's dark gray eyes matched the sky.
Her tears now matched the silent rain that was falling down to earth.
Her whimpers were the only sound available on the dark night.
Marlee fell to her knees.
"Why?" She shouted to the sky, "Why did you do this to me?"
"I didn't mean to," A masculine voice said from behind her.
Marlee turned her self in mud that was collecting at her knees and legs.
Marlee sniffled. A lump was caught in her throat. She opened her mouth and closed it.
The man knelled down next to her.
"I really didn't," He said.
Marlee finally found her voice.
"Why are you here, Nick?" She asked with her head pointed towards the dark clouds. She didn't want to look at him.
"I needed to check up on you," Nick said worriedly, "I needed to make sure you ok."
Marlee finally looked at him. She glared.
"You still think I would do that? I stopped a year ago! I've learned to control my urges!" She snapped at him.
"You say that now. But what about tomorrow? The urges might come back!" Nick exclaimed.
Marlee stood up. Mud was dripping off of her jeans. She got a frustrated look on her face.
"Fine then!" Marlee said running into her house. Nick raced in after her.
Marlee ran into the kitchen. She plucked a large, sharp knife out of the block on the counter. She held it to her wrist and was about to cut. Nick ran into the kitchen and jumped on Marlee, causing the both of them to crash onto the floor. Nick was on top of her, straddling her hips. He grabbed the knife from her hand and threw it across the room.
"No!" Nick shouted at her, "You promised! You promised you wouldn't cut!"
"Well you promised forever," Marlee whispered.
Nick's eyes widened.
"I-I still- It's still forever," Nick said while crashing his lips onto Marlee's.
Marlee was shocked but gave in.
His lips against her felt so right.
Why would he want to give this up? Marlee wondered.
Nick broke away, breathless. Marlee looked up at him in confusion.
"Why?" Marlee asked.
"'Cause I wanted to," Nick said smirking.
"No, not that. Why did you break up with me?"
"I was afraid. I was afraid of many things. I think the biggest fear was that I would do something stupid. So I decided to end it. Well... I guess that stupid," Nick said.
"You are stupid," Marlee said smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
A short lil one shot.
Hope you liked it!
Comments are loved foREVer!
Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes... ^,^;