Alpha's Cry

The Dream

Everything was dark, dark, where was the light, where was she? The young wolf fought to open her eyes nothing, it wasn’t working, was she finally dead? Fighting once more she forced her oculars to open only to be greeted by a bright light , it was almost blinding yet it held the warmth and welcoming of home……Home? Where was home any more, what was a home? Did she have a home….she couldn’t remember.

Slowly she pulled herself to her paws and looked at her surroundings, everything seemed covered in a vial of white light, but it was too happy to be the sun, to welcoming, to peaceful. “Where am I,” she whispered softly as she sat her tail flicking from side to side, her ears perked, listening, hoping someone would answer her question, hoping the voice from the water would come back to her.

A bush rustled, The wolf jumped her eyes locked on the spot, “Come out,” she growled her jaws locked together in a snarl, her pale blue eyes narrowing as she allowed her head to drop, the pale gray fur slowly standing on end along her narrow spine..

“Oh clam yourself child,” A annoyed snap of a old female called from the other side of the bush, slowly a small glowing tan wolf showed herself, her pelt holding the same warmth, the same glow, as everything in the world around her. “Why are you here?” she snorted eyeing the she-wolf with a rather annoyed glint in her dark yellow eyes

“I Could ask you the same thing” the young she replied turning her head stubbornly.

“Dame pups these days” The tan she growled.

“I am no pup, I’m over 2 winters old.”

“As I said you’re a pup”

“Now answer the question….Why are you here..”

“I don’t know, I don’t even know how I got here” The she dropped her head

The old wolf slowly got to her paws and began to stalk around her curiously, her eyes narrowed slightly as she nodded to herself, her nostrils twitched slightly, she shook her head a little. “Your with the keeper of the Forest Of Spirits, or as you may know it the Forest Of The Mist.” She snorted slightly annoyed.

She tilted her head her ears twitching she had no idea what she was talking about?

“Moska!” a kind hearted voice chirped from somewhere behind the bush, there was the sound of splashing water, braking twigs, echoed as a strange looking wolf pushed its way through the bushes, odd fins growing around her paws, her tail looked like a fin itself, her body did not look furry it looked……scaly

“Dame it Rain….” The old she growled looking at the one in which she referred to as Rain.

“Oh Moska,” She whispered softly as her gray eyes landed on the young she. “It seems you found her before I did,” she let out an amused laugh “But sadly its time for her to go.”

Moska nodded slowly “I was hoping you’d say that, after all she is one of your children correct?” The young she tilted her head, what was going on what where the two strangers talking about….Her mother was a white she wolf not a fish..

“No she not my child,” Rain laughed her voice warm and loving “I wish she was thou.” She stood before the she her eyes kind, they held the she before touching her nose “We will meet again my Echo, just remember Moska and I will be watching your actions in the events to come, please don’t disappoint me,” she whispered shoving the she back into darkness.
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Ya soo my vocab is lacking at the moment XD