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If This Was a Movie

Chapter 2

Jonathan left that night hopeful that Lilliannah would call him. He would sit by his phone all night waiting for it to light up with her face on his screen, but it hasn’t happened.

After discussing her book cover with the publishers Lilliannah returned to her parents’ house. She got a call from Abby wondering if she was okay after the Jonathan encounter. Of course she said it was fine, she wasn’t going to tell Abby how she really felt.

What did she really feel? She felt…trapped, cornered, she had no choice but to listen to Jonathan’s pitty apology. What she still wondered was if Jonathan was sincere or not. So an impulse thought led her to dial a number.

“Hello? Lilliannah?” The male voice answered.

She was startled that he answered so quickly, “David, hi.”

“Are you okay? Did something happen?”

“No…are you busy? I kind of wanted to talk to you about something.” Lilliannah began pacing.

“I’m not doing anything, what’s up?”

“I’m sure you heard about what happened…”

“Jon told me, yeah…I’m sorry he did that to you Lill. It’s so unlike him to do something like that.” David’s voice lowered.

“Did he tell you we ran into each other at Abby and Patrick’s a couple days ago?”

“No…he didn’t.” David seemed curious.

“Well he basically broke down…he apologized and asked me to forgive him but I’m not sure if he’s really sorry or if he just thought it was an easy way to get me back…” Lilliannah confessed to Jon’s little brother.

“When Jonathan apologizes, he means it but that doesn’t mean you should forgive him right away, Lill. Make him work for your forgiveness, that is if you want to.”

“I miss him so much Davie, but I’m scared it’ll happen again.”

“He gave you a ring, Lill. It was when you two first got together. I think it was an honest one time mistake. You and I know him the most, he’s not the unfaithful kind of guy. My opinion, you forgive him but make him work for it.” David gave her his honest opinion, then added, “I’d really like to call you my sister-in-law.”

“I’d love to be a part of your family too, Dave, thanks.” Lilliannah let a small smile escape her lips.

“Anytime Lilliannah, just call if you need any more help okay?”

“Will do. See you, thanks again.”

“Yup, no problem, bye.”

After hanging up the phone Lilliannah braced herself before making another call, this one would be significantly more difficult than the last.

He answered right away, almost as if he was anticipating her call, “Hello?!”

“Jonathan,” Lilliannah breathed his name. “I want to meet up. This weekend at the café down the street from the United Center. Be there at 2 p.m. on Saturday.”

“Yeah, of course.” Jonathan answered immediately. “Lilliannah,”

She cut him off, “save it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I am co-writing a Vancouver Canucks twitter story with 2 lovely girls from Mibba and if you have read my Blackhawk's twitter story and enjoyed it, you will enjoy this too! Go check out Toying With Paradise

This will also be a side story of mine. I don't expect to update this regularly but I will continue to if you all keep reading. Let me know if you want me to start up this story or one of my other short stories. Please speak up!

Peace. Love. Hockey.