Status: Slow...with comments

If This Was a Movie

Chapter 4

Jonathan jumped at the sound of a soft knock on his door. He didn’t want to rush but he practically ran to open it.

“Is something wrong? Do you need anything? Who am I beating up?”

She didn’t mean to but Lilliannah burst into a fit of giggles, “nothing is wrong.”

“Oh…” Jonathan blushed a bright red, “do you want to come in?”

“Yeah,” She stepped into the unfamiliar apartment he had moved into after she left. Jonathan couldn’t bear living in their apartment without her.

“So…” he led her to the living room. “Not to sound rude or anything but what are you doing her Lillie?”

“I’m not sure really…I just wanted to see you.”

“I…don’t get me wrong Lill, but if you’re going to play with me like this…” Jonathan looked at her with hurt eyes.

“Jonathan, I’m not trying to play with you…”

“So by coming here, does that mean you want to get back together with me?”


“I don’t want a maybe!” Jon was almost yelling.

“Why does it have to be one or the other!? Why can’t I take time to think about it! Half my family hates you Jonathan! And half of me wants to hate you too!” Lilliannah’s words stung him like a swarm of bees, “But part of me still loves you and right now, I’m going back and forth and I need time to decide. You cheated on me, Jonathan…”

He cut her off with tears in his eyes, “A long time ago.”

“Regardless. You cheated on me and it hurt, it still hurts. The man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, have children with…misplaced my trust and that’s something that’s not easily forgiven. So I am going to need time and if you can’t give me that then…” She just shrugged to finish off her little speech.

Jonathan was silent; he let her words sink in. When Lilliannah had enough of the silence, she turned to walk away but Jonathan called her name.


“I’m sorry…I don’t…I don’t want you to hate me. I want to fix this and if time is what you need then so be it. I want to be with you, whatever it takes. I will fix this and when it’s time, when you forgive me,” Jonathan took something out of his jacket pocket. “I want you to put this back on.”

He placed her engagement ring into the palm of her hand. She took off her necklace and slid the ring onto the chain, it fell next to her star charm. “I don’t want you to think I don’t love you, cause I do. When I am ready, this ring will return to my ring finger. Until then, it’ll always be with me, you will always be with me okay?”

“Okay…” Jonathan pulled her into a hug. When she pulled away, he looked down at her. They locked gazes for what seemed like lifetimes. Lilliannah’s heart began to pick up as Jon leaned his head down and kissed her. She just stood there at first but the longer his lips were on hers the more she missed them and before long, she was kissing him back. The kiss picked up and became more passionate and lust filled. Jonathan picked her up and led her to the couch.

Clothes flew in every which direction, moans began to fill the small apartment, and mistakes were being made.
♠ ♠ ♠
Was this a good idea? Was it a step forward or will it just delay Lilliannah forgiving Jon?

What are the mistakes being made?

Please tell me what you think!!!

Peace. Love. Hockey.