‹ Prequel: You're Gonna Love Me
Status: re-writing, because first person now makes me cringe. apologies for my disappearance. I'll be back. I promise. x

But You Loved Me

May 17th 2007. The day Frank Iero walked out of Gerard’s life, forever. The one day that will be permanently carved into Gerard’s brain, as the day he’ll always regret.
Seven years down the line, and a purely chance meeting in a bookstore could change everything, if Gerard can make him remember.
  1. Tick. Tick. Tick
    987 Words. [05/03/11]
  2. Monday.
    1,385 Words. [08/03/11]
  3. And That Was When My Jaw Dropped.
    649 Words [15/03/11]
  4. I Could Never Forget
    983 Words [24/03/11]
  5. I Had to Take Advantage of It
    626 Words [08/04/11]
  6. My Best Bet Was To Play Along.
    735 Words. [22/04/11]
  7. What The Hell Was Going On?
    1,014 Words [18/05/11]
  8. I Was Going To Find Out
    760 Words. [14/06/11]
  9. I'm Not Playing Any Kind of Game
    989 Words. [12/09/11]