Status: Will Post when ever!! enjoy it!!

A Long Way From Love

Can't Forget

I'm not sure if i should've given her my email... she must've gotten a lot already. But I really wanted to talk to her again. It seemed like we had a connection, although it sounds cliche, it's true.
I had the urge to tell her everything about my mom. How the doctors say she won't live much longer. How the house is getting forclosed. How my whole family is ignoring me and my mother just because my father left us a bank account filled with a six digit total of money... and that we won't share any of it with them, it was my dad's wish.
Speaking of my mom, I pop in to see her and she's still sleeping. It seems to be the only thing she does now. When she's home that is...
After I check on her, I turn on my Xbox and decide to kill some zombies on Left 4 Dead 2. Fun.
After a few hours of that I finally go to sleep. And I dream of her. I picture her all alone in a small trailer, as her mother is carried away, screaming nonsense. She had told him that the first time she saw her mother have an episode, he mother and started cutting herself, while screaming for "him" to stop. She told me that she had nightmares for a whole week after that. And she also told me that even though these episodes have been happening for the last two years, she still can't get used to them.
When I think of her, it makes me wish I was there with her. In the dream, I was, and in the dream, she looked up at me and suddenly stopped crying. I didn't really know wat she looked like so it was more like the shadow of a figure.
But truthfully, I really wanted to meet her. I really wanted to see her, to comfort her, to lo-
No, I can't think like that. I shouldn't think like that for a girl that's on the other side of the country.


I had a dream last night where kaitos19 was with me, comforting me as my mom got dragged away. AI couldn't believe I told him about my mom. Not even my friends at school know about her. It was supposed to be my secret but i told a total stranger about her. I don't know if kaitos19 is really 19 like he says. He could be a sexual predator for all I know! But I really wanted to tell someone about my mom. It's not a could thing to keep things like that bottled inside for to long. It could really hurt me.
After thinking all this, I got up from my bed at got ready for school. I hated school, it was all fake. I dressed nicely, threw on make-up to hide my puffy eyes and i pasted a fake smile on my face for my friends.
My smile usually is real when I'm with my friends but always right after one of mom's episodes, it's really hard for me to smile. Before I left, I looked in mom's room, ready to wake her up so she could go to nord. But when I looked in there, I remembered that she already is at nord because of another episode.
So looks like I'll be alone for the next week while Nord stabilizes her again. Maybe I should stay at a friends house. Maybe Bre's house.
I sighed and left for school. I walked every day because I don't have enough money for a car or even my licsence, which totally sucks.
Other than the fact I'm poor, and my mother is practically crazy, I loved my life. I loved my friends, i loved my mom, and I loved my home, though it's so small.

10 minutes later I walk into the school building and I'm greeted by my friends. One by one they each give me a hug and ask how my day once. Bre asks me if my eyes are puffy and I tell her it's her imagination and that I'm wearing red eyes shadow. And I really was wearing red eye shadow, though it took me forever to find it.
The bell rings for first period and I begin my long day... the entire time, kaitos19 is on my mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm going to try and include both Nick's point of view and Alice's point of veiw since they live so far away.
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And thanx to livelaughcheer98 for the comment!