Status: completed....short story

I Believe That Dreams Are Sacred

I Believe That Dreams Are Sacred

“I believe that dreams are sacred…” Evanescence’s All That I’m Living For blared loudly in my ears.

Staring blackly out of the window I couldn’t help but think that it was so true. My dreams are what kept my sanity. My dreams were what kept me afloat.

As I began the song again I thought about the mistakes that I’d made, the turns that I took, the life I have lived thus far. So far everything looked like crap to me.

I couldn’t help but hate myself and anyone I have ever known for everything that has happened to me.

I am ready to leave this life, to be free forever. Don’t judge me, I am not suicidal…I am just done with it all. I am tired of the name-calling, the yelling, and the screaming. I am sick of all the regret. I am not guilty…I will never be guilty but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to change it.

Anyway, the car pulled into the dark garage and without thinking twice, I got out. I waited patiently for my mother to open the door.

Almost there, I thought to myself, you’re so close.

When the door was unlocked I swung it open and trudged up the stairs with the most possible amount of serenity.

Yawning, I plopped onto my bed and stretched out. I turned the music up higher as I slipped into my dreamland.

I was running. Glancing down at my legs, they were a blur to me. Staring ahead I saw nothing but trees and beautiful flowers.

Everything felt so real, everything was so right.

I was horribly disappointed when the dream ended to someone screaming for me to wake up. When they were sure that I was awake, the person left me to myself.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I held onto my dream…knowing that it was one of the most sacred things that I will ever keep.

The problem with people today is that they often forget the most important details. The dreams that they have, no matter what form, are often the things we should forget.

Dreams are like a message from the part of our brains that tell us how we’re feeling, what we want and who we are. If you keep your dreams close it’s like keeping a part of yourself that can never be taken, changed or even damaged.

Dreams are always the most important thing. If anyone tells you different then they have lost all hold to their reality and must not sleep very well at night.
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umm so this is just about it! people said they like it and i hope you guys do too!!!
you don't have to subscirbe but at least leave me comments telling me what you think!! :)