Status: Rewriting, new chapters will be posted when fixed.

Salt on my lips never tasted so sweet

Birthday-greetings; My Chemical Romance; and Cherry Red Convertibles?

I snuck quickly around the hallway in my neon tee, tight dark jeans, and black converses. It was dark in the house except for the morning sun rays that seemed to pore threw the few windows in the house. I ran quickly to the door as I rounded the hallway trying to make as little sound as I could. I couldn’t be caught. It was nine a.m. yet everyone was still asleep in the house on Marigold-Way. I turned the doorknob as quickly and quietly as I could, and slowly pushed the door open trying not to make a sound. I could see the bed in view and watched silently as the dark blankets on the bed moved up and down in a slow rheumatic movements.

"Good I haven’t woken him,” I thought to myself as I languidly walked into his room and carefully closed the door behind me. I almost let out a chuckle as I approached the bed. Matt was spiral on the bed one of his legs was off the side as well as his arm. His black hair was arranged messily on his head, almost in an halo fashion. He looked quite angelic when he was asleep. I laughed at what he was wearing though long white heart PJ bottoms.

I slowly took out my camera checking again to make sure the flash was off. I then took about five pictures. Then slightly giggling I walked over to his bed and bent my face right next to his. I held in a giggle and screamed.


He shot up so fast that he landed right on top of me. Which unfortunately left us presided on the floor, with a loud thud. Matt glared angrily at me. "What the heck Cora? I was trying to sleep!”

"You always sleep it’s your birthday time to PAR-TAY" I said pronouncing party as two words instead of one.

"NO its time to sleep" he said going flat on top of me.

"Can’t breath being suffocated!" I dramatically choked out, flailing my arms wildly.
Matt just laughed; so I pushed him off of me. He could not help but land with a thump.

Tuning into my dirty side I smirked, " I can only imaging what your parents think we are doing." I giggled out rising an eyebrow; He could not help but give me a horrified look.

"You have such a sick mind, Cora!" he said with a smirk that fully filled his face.

"That’s what you love about me." I replied twirling a strand of hair on my finger and bating my eyelashes. I laughed, as he threw the covers over his head after he climbed back into his bed.

“Mattie remember last time you tried this? If I remember correctly you ended up with a glass of water on your head.” I said smiling at the memory fondly.

"You wouldn’t " he growled out jokingly from his cave of blankets, but then peeking out sheepishly jumped out of bed and ran for his closet which was a few feet away.

Waiting for him to comeback I plopped myself rather haphazardly upon his comfy and familiar bed.

Crossing my legs, I looked around his room. It was the same maroon walls as it had always been, plastered with posters from his favorite bands.

My Chemical Romance, Tokyo Hotel, Paramore, and Misfits CD’s were stacked neatly next to his boom box which he had saved months for. As well as, the many books he had in his wall-to-wall-bookcase. I waited patiently for him to return. When he did return I smiled deeply he was wearing his My Chemical Romance shirt, the one that I had picked out for him only a week before.

"What are we doing today?" He grudgingly asked me.

"Well I think i’ll kidnap you and we’ll go to the fair." I said with a smile. Then I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the house to my bright candy apple red convertible. I had easily gotten use to its presence in my life.

It had been a present from my absent father who I had never really met. Once a month though, a check for about 3,500 dollars, would turn up with my name on it. Many wondered what I do with this money; well at least Matt did. I would put half of it in my collage fund the rest I used that month.

Well any ways; this had turned up, at my door on my birthday. Two months ago, To be exact.
The car suited me perfectly, it was a big car and I was a big girl.

Turning I saw Matt giving me a weird look "What are you doing?"

" Reminiscing" I replied coming out of my dreamy state, his words perking me to like as they often did. he just shook his head, sadly at me as if he was disappointed in my bemused personality. I watched as a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"Can I drive?" he asked looking with his big puppy eyes. I could not help but put on a petrified face " NO!" I replied in a hurry. " Why?" he said with an irresistible pout.

"I’ll tell you why Mattie, when you took the Drivers Ed Class, in stead of missing the cones and old ladies with walkers you took the car for a joy drive, and added points for how many you hit. Those cut outs will never be the same!” I answered sadly shaking my head; from side to side.

"But Cora I’m the birthday boy..." he said giving me the puppy dog look, yet again. " Yah, well I want to still have a car tomorrow."

At that I got in the drivers side and waited for him to get in the passengers seat, which he did so reluctantly. When he finally got settled in, I turned the car on and drove down the street. I watched the road as I turned the corner.

“Hay Matt, put a CD in.”


I strummed my fingers impatiently as he found a C.D. he would like; I could hear him shuffling the CD’s around the glove compartment; as well as, heard him put a CD in and then turn the volume way up before he turned the numbers to get the song.

Seconds later ‘House of Wolves’ started blaring threw the speakers at a painful volume.

"GOD MATT ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME DEAF?" I screamed over the music that was pounding in my head.
"Yes." he replied very matter-a-factly.

"Ugh! Mattie!" I took my hands off the steering wheel and turned it down ten notches. It was still blaring but not a painful level. As I stopped at the next stop light, I earned a few rude looks from the people near me.

“You think that everyone would like such an amazing band!” I replied rolling my eyes at some girls who were giving me a dirty look.

“Yah..” he mumbled turning it up again. I shook my head and turned down the volume again. As the light changed from the angry red to green I hit the gas and speed off down the block and out of sight of sleepy Marigold-Way.
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Your friendly neighborhood Author reminding you that I will be watching :) JK JK but Thank you for reading this chapter, I wrote this in seventh grade, and have periodically spell checked and edited it, hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

~Love Abigail Alberta
PS: Read Our Deathly Love :)