

High school, it's like a big ass highway. Of course you might know where your going, but there is always a speed limit, and there is mostly road blocks. My road block today would most likely have to be Lisa Ruocco. She only hates me because Drew is my boyfriend, her ex. Cry me a river.

I rolled my eyes. We were in gym, fifth hour. As soon as I saw that bitch with a ball in her hand, I panicked. She smirked as my eyes grew wide and then there the bright red ball goes, heading straight for my face. I gulped and froze in my place.

"Mjay!" I heard a familiar voice shout as the ball pounded me in the face and I stumbled back and fell flat on my ass.

"Fuck." I mumbled and held my face as I saw Alex Gaskarth rush over to me and offered his hand out to me.

"Thanks." I half smiled and placed my hand in his.

"Mary Jane! That was above the shoulders! You're still in!" I heard Coach Carr yell from across the gym as I sighed.

"Fuck me." I groaned as Alex smirked and I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest.

"Yes please." He winked as I shook my head and gave a dagger to Lisa from across the gym.

"Gaskarth, get back to your team!" Coach Carr exclaimed as Alex rolled his chocolate brown eyes and continued to stand there.

"Alex, get your ass back over there." I chuckled as he walked slowly over to his team and started talking to his buddy Jack Barakat.

Sunny came up to me and pulled her black hair back up into a tight ponytail. "You wanna help me fuck my brother up?" She asked me as my mouth parted slightly and I broke out into hysterics.

"Don't you think we should be fucking up Lisa right now? After all, she chucked the damn ball at my face." I chuckled as Sunny grinned as me and her went back to the thick red free throw line.

Sunny clapped her hands together to get Jack's attention as Alex and Jack's heads both shot up at the same time.

"You're going down mother fucker!" Sunny yelled at Jack from across the gym as the Coach blew his silver whistle at Sunny.

"Sunny, language!" Coach Carr shouted as Sunny rolled her bright blue eyes.

"Coach Carr, I'm a senior. You can't expect me not to cuss." Sunny said as Coach Carr shook his head and blew his whistle as everyone ran up to the middle of the gym and tried to grab the nearest red ball.

"Your ass is grass, Alex." I laughed as we stopped midway in the middle of the gym while everyone else threw red dodgeballs all around us.

"We'll see about that." Alex smiled his crooked smile as he picked up a red dodgeball that was rolling towards him on the hardwood gym floor. He came towards me as I squealed and ran away from him as I heard him running right behind me as my heart started to pound rapidly up against my chest.

"Alex, don't!" I continued to squeal as he grabbed me by my waist and spun me around as he pressed the red ball up against my shoulder.

I laughed, "You're such a dick."

"Why, thank you." He smiled as Sunny threw the ball at Alex and it got him in the head, making his brown hair fly up. I laughed and held onto my stomach, trying to breathe.

"Fuck! I'm sorry!" Sunny yelled from clear across the gym as Alex waved his hand at her and laughed.

"It's alright!" He yelled back as he continued to smile at me.

"What do you say about tonight? Ya gonna come watch us at the bowling alley?" He grinned.
"All Time Low?" I laughed and thought about it as he nodded.
"I can't. Drew has a game." I shrugged as Alex ran his fingers through his brown hair.

"You'd rather watch lame ass high school football then come watch your best friend play at the bowling alley?" Alex put his hands on his waist.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I might come after the game." I told him as Alex gave me an unsure look.

"You always have Drew stuck up your ass, Mjay." Alex sighed as my jaw dropped to the gym floor.

"Not all the time!" I exclaimed.

"Babe, yeah, you do." He laughed as I pointed my finger at him.

"Well, you have every girl stuck up your ass all the time!" I yelled as he chuckled and shook his head. I grumbled and turned away as he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me back to him.

"I'm just playing with ya. Jeez. Chill your tits." He laughed again.

"FYI, I'm nipping." I smirked and pried his hand off my wrist as he smirked and bit his lip.

"Mm, can I see?" He said in a husky voice as my mouth dropped and I walked over to Sunny. She was sweaty as hell and red in the face.

"You look unhappy." She said, completely breathless.
"I'm not." I said blankly as she chuckled and picked up another ball.
"Hit Alex for me, would ya?" I smirked as Alex grinned from across the gym.

I watched him as he picked up a ball as soon as Sunny did. He then came closer to me as I swallowed hard and continued to back up and then he threw the ball at me as it hit my boobs.

Alex started to laugh his ass off as I gave him a dirty look and walked over to the bleachers and plopped down beside Jack.

"Hi, Mjay." He grinned as I rolled my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair, to get my bangs out of my eyes.

"How did you get out?" I sighed as he stared over at Sunny who was hitting everyone in sight.
"That bitch right over there." He said in a harsh voice as I laughed.

Then Sunny hit Lisa as Lisa squealed her high pitched annoying ass squeal as she came over and sat down on the other side of Jack.

"So, Mjay, you going to the big game tonight?" She asked me as I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"Drew is gonna do amazing. Don't you think?" She giggled as I nodded slowly and continued to stare at Alex as he dodged everyone of Sunny's balls as he tried to hit her back.

After a moment of silence Lisa looked at me, her blonde hair up in a ponytail, and that stupid smirk on her bitchy face.

"Slut." She said.
"I hope you die." She frowned.

"I feel bad for you. I thought you had a lot of money. Obviously not, because your roots are showing really bad." I fake gasped as her mouth dropped and the bell rang as I got up and went over to Sunny as we walked to the locker room together.

"So...I kind of think you should come to the bowling alley tonight. It's gonna be fun." Sunny said as I shook my head and half smiled.

"This is Drew's big night, Sunny. You know that." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"Your boyfriend has a big ass head, and it's not like he would mind you going to the bowling alley and seeing the guys play." Sunny shrugged, slipping on her Blink-182 shirt.

"You'd be surprised." I sighed and put on my Dulaney shirt with my skinny jeans and converse.

"If he was any kind of boyfriend at all he would let you go." Sunny said as I shook my head and grabbed my back pack as she sprayed body spray all over me and her. We walked out of the locker room and outside to meet up with Jack and Alex.

"I gotta head off to Biology. Catch you later, guys. Text me." I told them as I walked out of the gym and headed to my 6th hour.
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I know it's not much, but please give it a chance.
Keep or kill?
Give us 5 comments and we'll update tonight!
Love & Rockets, Faith <3