Status: Work in progress :)

I Know About You

Chapter Eleven:

Alex's POV

When Jack said he had to take me home, I was a little upset. I try to stay as far away from my house as possible and it sucked even more because he seemed tense. As he was driving me home, he didn't say a word. It wasn't a good silence. It was an awkward, deafening silence. I didn't know what to say to ease his worries, I wish I did though.

I knew I shouldn't have told him that I knew that he was gay, because after I did, he was stiff the rest of the night. Why is it such a big deal that I know? I don't understand.

When we arrived at my house I looked at him, expecting him to ask for a hug like he usually did, but he just kept a tight grip on the wheel and stared forward, not even glancing at me.

So with that, I said 'thanks' and got out. Right when I closed the door, he sped off, not even waiting for me to get inside, like he usually did.

Jack isn't very pleasant to be around when he is upset. I wish I knew how to make him talk to me about things, instead of having to get me out of the picture, to go vent to Rian and Zack. Does this make me a hypocrite, because I won't talk to Jack about my troubles? Maybe, but I don't care. I guess I just want him to trust me with his inner secrets, before I trust him with my dark ones.

I stayed up until 2 that morning, waiting for Jack to call, but he never did. I just can't help to think that he is mad at me, but I don't know what I did. Truth is, is that I am happy when I'm around him, he makes me forget about all the troubles that I have going on in my life. We've been attached at the hip for the past week, and he already means the world to me. I crave his touch, his voice, his personality.

I can't take the waiting anymore. I'm just going to call him myself. I have to, or else I'm never going to sleep. With that thought, I picked up the phone, and dialed each number with precision. I listened intently while the phone rang. With each ring, I lost hope that he would answer. But finally, around what had to be the 6th ring, he answered.


Jack had a tired voice. I woke him up, I know I did. But I didn't really care. And plus, his voice sounds sexy when he just wakes up.



"Yeah. It's me."

"Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"So you decided it would be a good idea to call me and wake me up?"

"Um, I, uh- are you mad at me?"

"Is this why you can't sleep?"

"Yeah, I don't know what I did. The whole ride home you didn't talk to me! You didn't even look at me. After I told you I knew you were gay, you started acting really weird. You know I don't care if you're gay, right? I mean you have to know that, because I'm gay. I told you I haven't told anyone. I meant that. I really haven't! You can't block me out like that. It's freaking me out."

"Alex, listen. I'm not mad. I just- it took me by surprise. I have spent so long trying to cover up the fact that I am. I really don't want people knowing. I- can we talk about this later. I'm really tired, and we have school in like 6 hours. I promise, we can talk later at Rian's house. Or where ever we end up after school. We could even go to my house, because nobody will be here, and then we can talk privately. I just really want to sleep. I'm tired. I promise, I'm not mad at you, not even in the least bit."

I let out a deflated sigh, I didn't want him to stop talking to me. I wanted his voice to lull me to sleep, or I wanted to hear his steady breathing as he slept. I just wanted to know he was there. I can't voice this to him though. I couldn't take the rejection.

"Okay. I guess so."

"Go to sleep, Alex. Seriously. You're going to be totally bummed when you wake up in the morning and realize you only sleep for a short amount of time, and you better not fall asleep during class, because then I won't have anyone to talk to. So, goodnight. See you in a few hours."

"Goodnight Jack."

And with that, I hung up, rolled onto my side, and closed my eyes. Sleep seemed to take over my body, as I kept replaying Jack's voice in my head, soothing me to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, it's kind of short and filler-ish, but I wanted to post something. \

On another note:
All Time Low live chat tonight! Who's going to be watching, I know I will:)

Also, 2 weeks from today, GSYL tour starts! Can't wait for that night:)