A Game Called Life

There's this game called Life, and in this game, there are no rules. People may try to improvise rules, or play the game wrong. When you've been playing the game for about 16 years is when it actually starts to get fun. Love, drugs, and other sicknesses involved, this game called Life is worth it.

Delilah's best friend was Devon. They were inseparable for years. They had met in preschool and they hung out almost everyday since. In junior high, they kissed, and in high school, a rumor started going around that they were dating. They tried to stop it by telling the truth, but it did not work. They came to one conclusion: In order to stop the rumors, they had to stage a break up. But what happens when they really love each other?
  1. Chapter 1
    Well Let's Just Say its My Fault