Status: Active

False Certainties

When I Close My Eyes Reality Over Comes Me

After an abnormal amount of security checks, Jayleigh was able to get into the Quantico building. From there she went through a maze of hallways, and somehow ended up in the B.A.U. wing. Once she entered the door she waited, not out of intimidation or lack of knowledge about her job (she had read through the books Agent Hotchner had provided), but because she felt as if someone should meet her there to show her around.

“Hey Hotch, I think a girl scout got lost!” A tall medium skinned man called out without taking his eyes off of Jayleigh. Jayleigh thought that he looked more like a model than an FBI agent with the fitted v-neck shirt he had on.

“Didn’t you get the message? I’m the new girl, Jayleigh Ann.” She put on her million dollar smile, batted her eye lashes and hoped that her shiny blonde hair would transfix him.

“Well Jayleigh Ann, you are one fine young woman.” The man said. “I’m Derek Morgan,” he held his hand out and she shook it.

“This will not be tolerated.” Agent Hotchner approached Jayleigh. With the facial expression her was sporting she knew she was in trouble, but she didn’t care.

“I’m on time, sober, and not even slightly hung over. Count your blessings,” Jayleigh replied with a slight eye roll.

“No, your outfit, you may only be eighteen, but you will dress like a professional.” He demanded. She was wearing floral stockings, a dark jean skirt, heeled ankle high boots, an off the shoulder black sweater (that showed some skin), and had her long black pea coat unbuttoned.

“Um who wanted me to take this job? Oh, that’s right, it was you!” Jayleigh pointed out. “If you want my brain then I’m not going to dress like a nun. End of discussion.” Her matter-of-fact tone did indeed end the discussion, but it drew much attention.

“What’s going on?” An older man came out of an office and asked. He was staring to lose his hair, but he had a medium build. His face was unreadable and it made Jayleigh slightly uncomfortable.

“Our newest and tiniest member has arrived.” The one named Derek said.

“Jayleigh Ann.” She said holding out her hand and smiling.

“Jason Gideon,” He said shaking it.

“I’m going to get the rest of the team.” Agent Hotchner informed them and walked away.
“Out of curiosity, how short are you?” Derek asked.

“Five foot two,” Jayleigh beamed, “It’s the perfect size for a flyer.” She referred cheerleading, her favorite thing.

“Did they pull you out of college?” Jason asked.

“Yeah, but I’ve had three PhDs for one year this month. I just like cheerleading.” Jayleigh explained.

“Oh no, he brought us another Reid.” Derek said.

“What’s a Reid? Should I feel insulted?” Jayleigh asked.

“It’s more of a who.” A new, timid voice said from behind her.

She turned to see a tall scrawny man with long brown hair. “Well then who is Reid?” She rephrased.

“Well, that’d be me. Dr. Spencer Reid.” The man said. Jayleigh took notice of his outfit and decided he was a nerd.

“Well, Dr. Spencer Reid, I’m Dr. Jayleigh Collins.”

“You’re a doctor? You’re so young,” he replied.

“With the way Derek spoke of you, I’m sure I’m not the only child prodigy here.” Jayleigh smirked.

“Child Prodigy?” A pretty, skinny blonde woman said. She was dressed in a very cute business suit.

“It’s another Reid,” A dark haired woman said.

“Be nice.” An average sized blonde woman who was wearing a ridiculously colored outfit said. She turned to Jayleigh, “its okay sweetie, I’ll take care of you.

Jayleigh was introduced to them one at a time. Learning that the first was JJ as she preferred, the second was Emily Prentiss, and the third was Penelope Garcia.

“What’s your IQ?” Spencer asked Jayleigh as the others dispersed after the initial greeting.
“Someone’s protective of their status,” Jayleigh replied.
“Collins, you need to get your ID at the main office.” Agent Hotchner interrupted.
Jayleigh ignored him.

“Collins,” he said and poked her arm.

“I did not sign up for boot camp. My name is Jayleigh. Friends call me Jay or Jac for my initials. Do not call out my last name like that. If you prefer your last name I will call you that, but I would like to be called one of those names.”

“Well Jay, you know what to do, so let’s get it done.” Agent Hotchner said.

“I can take you.” Spencer said. “So you don’t get lost.”

“I’ll be fine.” Jayleigh replied.

“I know the way, it’ll save time.” Spencer argued.

Jayleigh was getting annoyed with his persistence, but attention fueled her every move. After a short internal battle, she reluctantly agreed.

After about two minutes Spencer finally said, “So you never answered my question.” He took a breath. “What’s your IQ?”

“I thought I made it clear that I did not want to answer it.” Jayleigh said without looking at him.

“Why? I find you to be very peculiar.” He said.

She let out a laugh. “Did you really just say that?”

Spencer’s face contorted, but he stopped walking. “This is it.” He pointed to the door on the right.


When Jayleigh obtained all of her necessary badges, Spencer walked her back down to the B.A.U. wing. The two didn’t speak, but Jayleigh didn’t find it to be strange. They reached their destination and parted ways.

Jayleigh was searching for someone who could show her what to do, but if asked she would make it sound much less desperate.

“You look lost.” Jason told her.

“No one told me what to do, or where my desk is, so I figured it was exploration time.”

“This is your desk” he pointed, “but the team is finishing up paper work from our last assignment.” He paused, “Would you like to come to my office?”

Jayleigh weighed the options, but ultimately agreed.

“How do you like it here?” He asked once in the confinements of his office.

“I haven’t exactly been here long,” she answered.

“Well how do you like the people?”

“Everyone seems nice, but I think I threaten Spencer. He called me peculiar.”

“Dr. Reid has his own way of socializing, but why do you feel like you threaten him?”

“He keeps asking about my IQ, but I don’t want to be a nerd.”

“You don’t look like a nerd.”

“I have a genius IQ.” Jayleigh explained. “I also know that you’re trying to get a feel of me to see if I’d be a liability.”

“You put yourself above everyone but me. Your father abused you and now you not only fear, but obey older men.”

“You have at least one child, but you’ve never been there for them. Instead you overcompensate at work.”

“You feel the need to always be in control.”

“As do you,” Jayleigh retorted.

“Your daddy issues won’t get in the way of completing you job.”

“Your child issues fuel you to go above and beyond your job.”

“I like you kid.” He held out his hand for her.

“The feeling is mutual.” Jayleigh smiled and shook it.

There was a knock at the door, and JJ poked her head in the room. “We have a case.”

Jayleigh followed the two down the hall and into a room with a projection board and a large round table in the center.

“Wait, before we start, how did you get this job?” Penelope asked Jayleigh.
“Aaron offered it to me.” Jayleigh answered.

“But why did you take it?” Morgan asked. “You seem like you could be a movie star baby girl.”

“I actually thought about entering that industry, but it’s so hard to get into.” Jayleigh explained, “But Aaron said that if I took this job, then my first two months of rent would be paid for and they would pay off my student loans.” Jayleigh had the money to afford both. Under other names, other identities, she had the money stashed away. In all actuality she just wanted to stay in one location for more than a semester. She wanted to feel like a normal person for the first time in her life, and working for the FBI would provide her with the necessary protection to do so.

For a split second Jayleigh thought of him, of the things that he used to do to her and her family. A noticeable shiver went down her spine. All she could think of were his piercing blue eyes, the same eyes that she had inherited.

“Jayleigh are you alright kiddo?” Emily asked.

Jayleigh nodded and said, “I’m not a kid,” but it sounded out of breath.


Everyone had been sent back home to pack a bag for the trip. Jayleigh packed everything she could fit into her expensive suitcases. She then went to her bathroom and gathered her hair and make-up supplies. She had everything packed in record time, but then again she was very experienced with packing.

The team along with their newest addition met back up an hour later and flew out to Ohio. Jayleigh didn’t want to sleep near strangers, but plane rides always had a way of making her sleep. She inevitably closed her eyes and let her dreams take over.

She could feel the sweat on her forehead, her hair was beginning to stick to her face, and her eyes were wide with terror. She knew where she was and she needed to leave immediately. She couldn’t be here, not now, not ever. He wasn’t here, but she knew he’d be returning soon.

Something grabbed Jayleigh’s arm, and she took hold of and twisted it. Jayleigh’s eyes flew open expecting the worst.

“Down girl, I’m not gonna hurt you.” Morgan said looking at her.

“Sorry,” Jayleigh looked him in the eyes with a sad expression.

“Bad dreams,” Gideon asked.

She nodded

“What was it about?” He questioned.

“He came back for me.” Jayleigh answered as if in a trance.

“Who came back?” Spencer pondered.

“No one,” Jayleigh shook her head, “It’s just kid stuff.”

It was something; Jayleigh knew he was looking for her, for them. She knew it was only a matter of time before he found them. They were good at hiding, but everything they learned was from watching him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit to Together by Avril Lavigne
I didn't get any comments for the last chapter :(but i also unintentionally took forever in updating this chapter. I don't know about you guys, but I get all antsy waiting for people to update their stories, so I'm going to try to update every Thursday...This update counts for last Thursday, so there should be one this Thursday.I really would like some comments though. I'm trying my hardest with this story and I want to know how you guys like it. I actually put a lot of foreshadowing (I think that's noticeable) and Jayleigh's reactions and thoughts about people are very important. If there's anything that you don't understand, please comment me and I can message you a sort of breakdown.

Well thanks for listening to my rant.
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