Temporary Insanity

[Surprise, Surprise]


Hands gripping the steering wheel. Car awaiting outside the house. Gun residing on my lap. All the accessories were needed in place for the curtains to rapidly be pulled for the show. The previews are finished;nothing more to dwell on, with the exception of the plea for temporary insanity.

Stepping out of the vehicle with a sly smirk easily plastered across my face, as I lit the cigarette with ease. Taking in the minty fragments of tactful smoke that could only fulfill the skin tearing addiction. With the prideful grace of my determination;cleansing with my lips as my mouth mocked to exhale the engulfing bitter disease that his finance' brought forth.

Knocking on the door was a simple task; the wait was the impatient. Taking another deep drag and listening to that black wave silky voice that was the Prozac for my mind to lay at a continuous forever squirm.

Soon, Layla, soon.


Ashlin begin to stumble out of bed with the occasional mumble and groan.

Who the hell could that be at 3:30 A.M.? I swear, people are insane. Insane, I tell you.

Another one came a knockin' and Ashlin suddenly answered with a haltered phrase.


Swinging open the door with a swarm of fury along a bitter sweet hint of irony. Ashlin froze in the entry way, her mouth agape and struggling to form words that she could have, should have stated so long ago. Yet, nothing. Not a word.

" Hello, Ashlin. Sweetheart. Sister. You remember me, don't cha? "

The figure cackled after the phrase dropped without a hint of remorse and tired agony that pleaded to be ceased.

Ashlin's mind, without warning, became boggled.

Why couldn't she be a stranger?