Status: Just started.

The Capitol


We slowly and silently crept down the tunel to the opening. Once I had stole the keys from the idiot guard, I had freed everybody, atleast everybody in my cavern. I was told that even for demigods had been kidnapped, but we didn't know where. There was only one way out of our cavern, and lead right outside.
Right now, we were shuffling down it, Mackenzie, Lulu, and I we leading, but we stopped when we came to a turn, I heistantly poked my head out to see two guards, well, guarding an exit. I whispered this to Mackenzie, who took two other guys to go kill them. We had found all their weapons in a crate in a little room connected to the hall way. Mackenzie used two knifes, each about one foot long. Lulu used a staff, because she doesn't want to kill anyone apparently. Even though they locked her up, starved her, and mudered her friends. That girl is the sweetest girl ever.
Most people used swords, some two handed, other one handed with a shield. Every now and then there was hammer, or another staff, or more daggers. Of course, I didn't have a weapon yet, so I had in my hands a 2-by-4 that had broken off when we ripped off the top of the crate full of weapons. It was sharp on one end, and I figured it would keep me safer than my fists.
I heard some grunts of pain from the guards being stabbed and extertion (probably from the the people doing the stabbing. Then a voice called, "All clear," and the rest of us scurried down the tunnel and through the exit. Everbody seem extremely happy to be outside, to feel the sun on their face, and fresh air in their lungs. So was I, but I hadn't been in there too long. Right in front, two blue vans were parked, talk about an easy escape. These people really weren't smart.
"Carrie." I called, and a little girl about the age of ten stepped out.
"Yes?" She asked. Carrie was a daughter of Hecate, the goddess of magic.
"Can you unlock the those vans for me?" I inquired, but it was more of a statment than a question.
"Yep." Then she mumbled some ancient Greek words and the cars made that clicking noise they make when they become locked or unlocked. She had done the same thing with the lock that was on the crate with all their stuff. However, the shackels, she had told me, were spelled with some kind of wall, so their magic didn't work on them.
"Thanks, sweetie." I said. She smiled up at me, she had blue eyes and blonde hair and was such a cutie.
I opened the door to the driver seat, ducked under the steering wheel and hot wired the van. Hearing the rumble of the motor underneath me, I stood back up. "Who wants to drive?"
One boy, who looked at least 16 stepped up eagerly. Stepping aside I waved him in, then went on to the next van, which Carrie had smartly unlocked also. By the time I was done with that one, all the kids had climbed into one van or the other. The entire back of both vans were empty, no seats or luggage, so they had plenty of room, well, kind of. I walked over to where Mackenzie was talking to the boy who was driving the other car.
"Follow me, and we will keep driving until we find out where we are. Then I'll probably pull up to a gas station to talk. Just keep following me okay?" She was saying. I saw the guy nod and hop into the driver seat.
"Ready?" I asked right as some yelled, "Guards!"
"Don't have time not to be," Mackenzie muttered before husseling around the van and clammering into the driver seat. I, on the other hand, got the passengers seat the campers were nice enough to give me. Mackenzie, shot off like a bullet. For a van, it had good speed, and we were gone in no time, the rest of the pack not far behind. Soon we got rid of the kidnappers, for we had presumably stole their only transportation, and driving to the nearest town.
"Three car in two day. New record." I said under my breath.
"What?" Mackenzie asked, confused.
"Oh, nothing, just that I have hot wired three cars in a total of two days. It's a record for me."
She chuckled at that, "I have always wanted to know how to hot wire a car, but it's not exactly the kind of thing they teach at camp."
"I can teach you," I offered.
"Sweet, that be great," she agreed, high-fiving me.
"So, you a daughter of Ares, huh, the god of war?"
"Does that mean, you are like, really good in battle?"
"No, it just means we are battle crazy," she explained with a wink.
Laughing, I continued, "Have you ever met you dad?"
"A few time, but, you know, he's a god, and he has a lot on his plate. Normally I only see him in dreams or vision, no in person."
I was about to reply, when my hand started to glow. And I mean glow, this was like looking at the sun, it could have blined you. It took all Mackenzie had to not swerve off the road. Eventually, it stopped, to revel a red ring, with a shield sticking out of it. Crossing the shield was a sword, it was very intracaitly designed, and quite beautiful, in an ancient way.
"Wha-what?" I stutted, atonished.
"Hey, that's Ares!" She cried happily, "That is what the gods do to tell us who we are from. Everybody at the camp has a ring. It is designed to explain the qualitlies of the god. And in your case, Ares. In other words, your my sister."
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Commets are awesome!