Status: done.

The Black Parade

The End.

Corrine looked hopelessly into the mirror at her freshly showered body. Tonight was one of those nights her parents drag her to one of their formal business parties or whatever. She never really knew. She never really cared. She was an only child born a family with so much money they didn't know what to do with it. She was usually overlooked by her parents. They were always busy or at work or out of the country blah blah blah.

She grabbed her big bag of makeup and made her way back to her vanity. It looked the ones that strippers used to get ready. Lights around it, covered with memories from better times and anything she would possibly need to hide from the world.

She started to put her makeup on and started to cry which made her mess up so she had to wipe it all off and start over. She decided to put on her dress first. She always made sure her dress wouldn't be the best or the worst at the party. She didn't want to draw attention to herself so she always made herself look like everyone else, even though she was naturally so much more beautiful than any of them could dream of. She knew to cover it up with makeup and make it look like she has to work hard to look as good as she does.

She was dressed, covered in makeup and a mess inside. She stood up and walked over to her full length mirror and looked at what she had become. She dreamed of being like all the other girls her age and just live a normal life. She didn't like what she saw whenever she looked in the mirror. She didn't even know the girl that looked back at her anymore.

She wiped off the small traces of tears from her eyes and forced herself to stop it and be mature. Whenever she was with her parents and their friends she had to put on a smile. It was right up there on the list of tools she used to hide who she really was, along with the pretty dresses and makeup painted onto her face.

Corrine's father owned a large corporation that had to do with something that she honestly didn't even care about. She was expected to follow in his footsteps and take over when he died but she didn't want to. She wanted to travel the world and just be free and live. She didn't want to be anything.

She hated the life she was thrown into and cried every night praying that someone would save her and take her away from all of this. But it never happened.