Status: done.

The Black Parade


Frank's point of view

I opened the door and walked inside my home. It was empty and just the way I left it.

I had to take a cab to the doctor because I didn't want Corrine to know. She told me that she had some things to do so she would come by later. I have to tell her. I have kept it a secret too long and I can't die without her knowing. She will find out anyway, it has to be from me.

I sat in a chair next to a window and stared out at the sky. I don't know when she was going to show up, but I have to get some sort of plan. About 20 minutes of thinking later, key gently unlocks the front door. My breath gets caught in my throat and I think I am going to have a panic attack right here and now.

She walks in and her beautiful brown hair bounces and she spins around to close the door behind her. This girl completes my life. I have to stop myself from getting too distracted. I have to tell her.

She walks over to me. "Is everything alright?" She asks with concern.

"Yeah, I just need to talk to you about something." I get out of my chair and walk both of us to the couch. I can tell she is nervous. We sit and she nods for me to get it over with.

"Well...." just do it.

"There are some things about my past that you don't really know...and by that i mean, there is one thing that you don't know." Her face doesn't change and I go on.

"My whole life, I have been teased. "My hair is too weird, I am too short, I am not good at this, I can't do this.." I was completely tormented. It evolved into physical attacks and pranks and I would have liked nothing more than to die." Her grip on my hands tightened.

"Well, I thought when I got to high school, it would get better. Like they would find something better to do. But it just got worse." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. This isn't going to be good.

"I was seeing a psychiatrist and was on tons of medicine for depression and paranoia, but none of it was helping much. And day I just kinda snapped. I went out of my fucking mind..."

"What I'm trying to say is, I found a gun that my dad had left when he walked out on us. I picked it up and it felt like relief should feel like. Instead of shooting myself, I put it in my backpack and took it to school...." Corr's jaw was on the floor and she had tears in her eyes too.

"I didn't kill anyone. I swear to you. Some people were hurt, but thank god no one was killed."

"I went to court and pleaded temporary insanity. Since no one was killed, I got off with community service, anger management and expulsion. My mom was ashamed and informally disowned me and I have had to live with it ever since."

Corrine was speechless. I completely understand though. If she would have told me something like this, I would be the same way. Ten minutes seemed like a lifetime while we just sat there staring at each other.

"Are you ok now?" She finally broke the silence. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. I told her my deepest, most shameful secret and she doesn't care. She isn't appalled or angry. She is concerned. She cares more about my reason why than my horrible actions. I pulled her into a tight hug and held onto her as if my life depended on it.

"I have never been better."