Status: done.

The Black Parade


Frank's point of view

Last night, Corrine had to rush me to the emergency room. I was having trouble breathing and she was really worried. I think this is it. Isn't my life supposed to be flashing in front of my eyes or something? I don't really know how this is supposed to work..

A nurse came in and asked if I wanted the TV on. I just shrugged my shoulders in apathy. She took that as a 'yes' and she turned it on. Corrine was sleeping on a couch up against the wall to my right. I sighed and decided on finding something to watch.

It was no surprise at all when I found that nothing good was on. I laid my head back on my pillow and let out a deep sigh. I was so bored it was driving me crazy. I sat up again and instead of the Spanish soap opera I had left it on, the screen was showing memories throughout my whole life. Some made me laugh, a lot of them made me cry. Some I didn't even remember.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest and called out for Corrine. Her head shot up and she ran to my side. She yelled out for a nurse and two came dashing in. My vision was starting to blur and the nurses starting messing with machines, pushing Cory out of the way. I heard one of the nurses talk to me.

"Ok, Frank. You are going to feel a little prick and it is going to help with the pain. There isn't really anything more we can do. But you won't feel a thing."

I felt the needle pierce my skin and the red-head nurse set up and IV. I can't believe this is it.

They finished whatever they were doing and left. They lied, I could feel everything. This dumb IV isn't doing anything. Corrine was holding my hand now and she was crying.

"It's ok, Frankie." She sobbed. "Just go, I don't want you to hurt anymore."

"Cory, I can't leave you." She shook her head in disagreement.

"Stop trying to play the hero, Frank Iero. Neither of us want to make this any longer than it has already been. If you say I'm wrong, I know you are lying."

"Are you sure you will be ok when I'm gone?" I can't do this. I can't do this. Oh God.

"Baby, I'll be fine. I will be happy knowing you aren't in any more pain. Don't worry about me."

She kissed me. Possibly my last kiss from her ever. I tried my best to make it last. I could feel her tears falling on to my cold skin and it was enough for me to start crying too. "I love you" I told her. "I love you too."

I know it's close. Very close. I can't stop thinking about my life. It has been like a movie. There isn't going to be a happy ending, but up until now, it has been exciting. Never a dull moment. I hope I made a difference. I hope I will be remembered for more than just my mistakes. I wonder if my mom read the letter I wrote. I hope Cory will be alright.

I squeezed her hand one last time and closed my eyes. I closed my eyes for the last time.