Status: done.

The Black Parade

This Is How I Dissapear

Frank held Corrine in his arms as if she was a precious porcelain doll he didn't want broken. He smiled at her as she slept and realized how lucky he was to have someone like her.

I have to tell her. She has to know before I die. She will probably leave me but she still has to know.

He fought a battle with his brain until he felt a migraine coming on. He cleared his head and closed his eyes. He leaned his head on top of Corrine's and started singing to her quietly.

I can't risk losing her. I only have a few weeks. I need her here with me.

Everyone has a few demons they hide from the world. Frank Iero was no different. He had a past that he wanted to forget about. But the longer he kept his secret from Corrine, the more guilty he felt. It was like lying to her and he hated lying to her. But if she knew, she wouldn't love him anymore...would she?

Frank tried to push all of the thoughts out of his mind and just be in the moment. But they wouldn't leave.

If she wasn't with me, it would be like I wasn't even here at all. It would be like disappearing. Not dead quite yet, but far from being alive. I would live the rest of my agonizing life completely alone.

Corrine stirred a little in my grip and it caused me to lift my head back up. I looked down at her and she looked back up at me and smiled.

"Good morning, beautiful" I kissed her forehead and she lifted her head up and sweetly kissed my lips. She put her head back down on my shoulder and placed her hand on my chest. I pulled her closer to me and we just laid there together. Nothing else mattered.

The nurse came to take my vital signs a few times but I wouldn't let Corrine move. I forced the nurse work around her and she seemed mad at first but eventually understood and sympathized with us. She finally accepted that I wouldn't be there for Corrine anymore and I wasn't going to waste a single minute left here.

"What do you believe about heaven?" I sincerely asked her.

She kept her head down while she was thinking about her answer. "What about it?" She finally asked still keeping her head in it's position.

"For example, Do all good girls get in?" I asked her.

"I'm sure they do. If not, then what's the point anyway?" She finally looked up at me smiled. I smiled back and leaned in to kiss her passionately.

We parted and she went back to laying down with her arms around me. It was amazing how our bodies complimented each other. My arms fit perfectly around her fragile frame and our fingers laced together as if they were made for each other. We were made for each other.

A few hours passed by and I turned to the beautiful girl laying next to me and just looked at her. She noticed after a few minutes and looked back with a confused look on her face.

"Are you high? What is wrong with you?" She asked. I smiled.

"I love you." Was my reply. She blushed and looked down smiling. Her grip on me tightened and if it was possible to tighten my grip on her, I would have.

"I love you so much, Frankie."

My head was screaming at her.


I choked on my words and all i could get to come out of my vocal cords was a simple "I am going to miss you more than you can imagine."

She looked back up at me and I noticed her smile was gone. "Why did you have to bring that up? Stop it." I saw tears in her eyes and I wiped them off with my thumbs while my fingers were weaved into the hair behind her ears.

"I'm sorry."

Way to go, Frank. You did it again.