Status: done.

The Black Parade

House of Wolves

Frank's point of view

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her the entire night. I couldn't help but reflect back on our wonderful memories. I thought about how I told her that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

And I realized, this is the rest of my life.

I only have a few days left with Cory and I was wasting it feeling sorry for myself. I should be enjoying her and making more memories that she can take with her when I'm not there.

I know what this feeling is. Sorrow. I am very familiar with it. I want to experience something more with Corinne. Taking a zombie out to dinner doesn't sound to interesting.

I snapped back into reality and focused on her mesmerizing eyes. The way the light was hitting them, they looked almost gold. I smiled at her and shock covered her face.

"Frank...are you ok?"

"I am wonderful. I'm sorry if I haven't been too much fun lately."

She softly smiled and I felt my heart melt inside my chest. "It's ok. I know why." I shook my head, looking down.

"That's no excuse." Her grip on my hands tightened and she gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Let's get out of here. I don't need all of this, let's go act like kids and run around.." I was getting excited and she just looked at me confused.

"Umm...Honey? Have you noticed what we are wearing...?" She said looking at our clothes. Her face suddenly changed from confusion to secretly saying 'i didn't know cancer made you a dumbass.' She was so adorable when she looked at me like that.

I chuckled a little and it made her smile. I could tell she missed seeing a smile on my face. I shrugged at her. "Oh well. I'll buy you a new dress if you mess it up. I just want to be with you tonight. For real."

I could tell she was thinking. She loved me..but she really loved that dress. But is it really that tough of a decision? Come on! She suddenly burst out laughing and I had never been more confused in my entire life.

"You should see your face right now. Did you seriously think I would turn you down?! Oh please." She continued to laugh. I started to nervously chuckle. I was seriously getting scared when she didn't answer.

"Come on, let's get out of here." She flashed me a huge white smile and winked as she stood up out of her chair. I quickly followed and she left a note for our waiter with some money for the trouble. We casually walked out of the restaurant with a spring in our step.

We ran to her car and hopped in. With no plan of any kind, we sped out of the parking lot and was on our way to innocence. We found a steady speed and she turned to me smiling.

"Where to, Sir?" She tried to sound like a cab driver but she could only pull off cute. I laughed at her and it caused her to join in while rolling her eyes.

I calmed down enough to speak and answer her question. "Well, it depends..." I started. She urged me to go on. "Do I want to leave this earth on a wagon or a chariot of fire?!" I placed emphasis on 'Fire.' "Do I want to go out quietly, or with a BANG!?"

She laughed. "Both. Let's do something bad...and NOT get caught...then let's do something sweet and innocent." I nodded and had an idea. "You know the bridge in West Hudson Park?" I asked. She nodded with a quiet 'yeah.' "Head there...but first, we need to stop and buy spray paint." I looked at her and she looked back at me with a devious smile.

I took a step back and looked at my masterpiece.

It was a giant heart with our names under it.

Corrine looked at it and grab my hand. "Frank, it's beautiful." I put my fingers under her chin and pulled her lips to mine in a sweet kiss. I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers. I whispered ,"I love you" and she smiled. "I love you too."

A smile crept onto my face. "Tell me I'm bad. Say 'Frank, you are a bad bad boy.'"

She laughed and looked back into my eyes. "Frank, you are an angel."

Our lips collided again.