Sequel: Gorgeous Nightmare
Status: I <3 Robert, told him that in real life ^.^


These issues pin me to the floor
These issues are my overlord
I feel so dominated
These issues, they choke me like a noose
Issues, they choke me like a noose
Issues, they choke me like a noose

This is not a romance
That is the first thing you need to know and remember.
But it is about love.
This is not a romance.
I must remind you again.
But it is about “boy meets girl”.
This is not a romance.
But it is about connection.
This is not a romance.
But it is about Robert loving a girl in a way most can never understand.

Disclaimer: Don’t own Escape The Fate or anyone else famous in this story. Do own plot and all original characters so NO STEALING! The dates probably won’t match but I probably won’t put them in anyway. Just… go with it okay? Cool.

Title Credit: Issues by Escape The Fate

©Neche 2011