Among Broken Guitar Strings

I Hope They Hate Me.

Everyone walks ahead of me as we make our way back to to our suite. They want absolutely nothing to do with me. It's almost like they think my supposed bad musicianship could just simply rub off of my skin onto theirs, and they really didn't want to catch it. I'm starting to feel like all unneeded traits are contagious nowadays, especially stupidity.

The elevator's crowded, but unfortunately, it's just what everyone needs to start talking.

"Are you even any good?" It takes me a few seconds to realize Martin's even talking to me.

I swallow hard. "I'm here, aren't I? Doesn't that say anything?"

"For all we know," Paiden gave me a look as sharp as any knife. "You could have just slept with the recruiter or something."

No, honey. That's what you did.

"I'm not a whore." Even I know that's a lie. I might have grown out of it a little bit. I might've kept my legs closed for the past couple months, but damn. Once a slug, always a slut. Even I know that.

"Everyone's a whore if the right situation is provided to them nowadays. I've even made out with a few bummy guys at my school to get a better grade here and there. I'm just suggesting you did the same thing with someone who had connections to the music buisness to try to get your crappy act somewhere."

I glared at her. She was almost too smooth. She sounded so...real...that she sounded fake, if you know what I mean by that

"Im thInking you're going to turn out to be the two bit whore of the group, dear." ,I spat at her. She growled at me


I hope they hate me
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter mostly to answer a question here.

GG or Guitar Guy was referring to Ethan in the first chapter. Essentially that chapter was a letter Sky wrote to Ethan the night before they left home.
