Status: writing moar XD


chapter 1-the fight

Stewie blinked.
He was walking down the tarmac, his well-loved Who-print Cons squelching in the wet grass. The sky was overcast with murky grey clouds and the air was damp against his fur.
His ipod was unusually low; he wasn't in the mood for anything loud that day. He flicked his dripping blue-green fringe out of his eyes.
Slinging his messenger bag higher up his shoulder, he fumbled for his next lesson in his mind.

The breath flew out of his lungs in a misty cloud as pain exploded in his back. Stewie was flung forward, only just managing to hold himself upright. Laughter swelled in his ears, louder now that his earphones were swinging from the neck of his dark hoodie. Hands grappled his shoulders and he was swung around, vertigo rising like a wave in his throat.
'Oi, runt!'
Stewie kept his face down, he could feel it burning with shame and fear.
'You want to look at me when I'm talking to y'?'
A hand closed round his throat, thrusting it up into the taller cats' face.
Yellow eyes stared down at him the edges drawn up into a cruel, mocking smirk.
'How's my little angel today then?'
Thick fag smoke blew in Stewie's face, it smothered his mouth and nose. His grip on his throat tightened, and he was forced to inhale Flint's foul smelling breath.
Stewie let out a strangled cough and fresh laughter boomed around him again.
When the taller cat had finished laughing, he let go of his throbbing neck. Stewie scrambled back, rubbing it with the hand that wasn't holding his bag.
People had materialised to the scene like a herd of wild animals, shouting and clawing to get a good view. Their voices pounded in Stewie's head, matching the throb in his neck.
Flint raised his head to look around at the crowd, who instantly cheered him on, screaming blurry words of anything to get the two to fight.
The blue cat turned menacingly back to face Stewie.
'Any luck with butters girl yet?'
Anger blazed in his head as he thought of Sandy, and the throb in his neck grew stronger.
Stewie looked up at him.
'You fucking bastard.'
Flint's face was a mixture of surprise and excitement as he edged closer to Stewie.
'Oh yeah?'
'Don't you fucking dare call her ugly.'
The crowd was ecstatic now, bodies thumping against each other, the same word being chanted over and over again like a drumbeat.
The two cats stood bristling, Stewie almost waiting for something to finally set him off.
Flint finally murmured, 'At least I'm not desperate enough to go after that dyke bitc-'
'BASTARD!!!' Stewie screamed, hurling himself at Flint.
He scratched blindly with his claws, his eyes shut under his sopping fringe. Flint actually yowled in pain beneath him, striking out wildly with heavy fists.
The crowd roared, jostling in a single, wild mass.

Patches watched in amazement from the edge of the crowd, craning her neck and elbowing people in the face whenever necessary.
'Fuck, Stewie..' she murmured, keeping her eyes glued to the fight, wasting no time in pulling her Blackberry from her pocket. She flipped it around in her fingerless gloves, punched an few buttons and then still holding the phone at arms length, fought viciously to keep her place in the mass of sweaty, frenzied teenagers.

Stewie was getting tired. He could no longer scratch at Flint, he just dug in his claws and held on. Flint's fist were brutally pummelling him anywhere he could reach, and Stewie unwillingly hid his face deep in his shoulder. The smell of old fags and lynx almost made him gag and he convulsed against the taller cats body.
Flint pounded harder and harder, but Stewie had embedded his claws deep in the back of his head and wouldn't let go.
Stewie was being jolted back and forth high up in the air and his head rang with the pain. He could feel the strength was seeping from his arms and hands and they were sticky with Flint's blood.
Stewie pushed himself back and swiped across his tormentors face. He felt the fur and skin drag under his mud caked claws, but Flint howled in pain.
Stewie almost thought he had won, blood, dirt and fringe stinging his eyes, he didn't see Flint reaching up to secure his arms.
Before he knew it he was falling down, with Flint's heavy body on top of his skinny frame.
His back slammed into the ground, and Flint threw himself directly on top of him.

A sickening crunch filled the air.

The crowd fell silent, their eyes wide and sick and scared. Stewie's arm fell limp to his side.

Patches heart fluttered.
'Shit,' she breathed.
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for catmaniac8x on deviantart. Check her out, her characters are awesome!