It's Not Over Until This Part Of Me Is Dead and In The Ground.

  1. Beginning.
    Frank's POV
  2. Dreams.
    Frank's POV
  3. School.
    Gerard's POV
  4. Chemistry.
    Frank and Gerard's POV
  5. Kiss.
    Frank's POV
  6. Don't Come In.
    Frank's POV
  7. Weak.
    Gerard's POV
  8. Truth.
    Frank's POV
  9. The Gage.
    Frank's POV
  10. Collapse.
    Frank and Gerard's POV
  11. Regret.
    Gerard's POV
  12. Found You.
    Frank's POV
  13. Hospital.
    Frank's POV
  14. Honesty.
    Frank and Gerard's POV
  15. The Truth Is Coming Out
    Gerard and Frank's POV
  16. Truth.
    Frank's POV
  17. Saving You Only Causes Trouble.
    Frank and Gerard's POV
  18. How Could He Think I'd 4Get?
    Mikey and Gerard's POV
  19. Pain.
    Frank's POV
  20. Lies About Love.
    Frank's POV