Status: Still writing chapters on... Very slowly though... Too many stories.

Tears of Love

Leaving Konoha

Tears of Love
Sasuke Uchiha Love Story
Chapter 2: Leaving Konoha
|-Zuri's P.O.V-|
"Zuri get your things we're leaving right now!" screamed my dad.
"But why do we have to leave? I want to stay here in Konoha." I begged with pleading eyes.
"I'm sorry honey but we have to leave before the enemy finds us. We don't want them to hurt you so we have to leave now." my mom said sadly.
"Can I at least say good bye to Sasuke and Itachi? Please I don't want them to think I just left them without a good bye." I begged.
"Okay sweet heart. Yashiku go with her but be back quick so we can leave here as soon as possible." my dad said in a rush.
"Okay let's go Zuri!" Yashiku said.
"Okay nee-san." I responded.
We ran to the Uchiha place as fast as we could. I was almost crying because I didn't want to leave this village especially because I made great friends with Sasuke and Itachi. But like I said some evil people were searching for me for power in this village and I had to run away with my parents and brother to get to safety. Yashiku tried to calm me down but I couldn't stop crying. This was one reason I didn't like being the Hoshiko Princess all the time because I always have to run away. But I have to admit staying in Konoha was the longest place I stayed for a long time. Now it's time to leave this nice little village. When I was going to start crying more we were at Itachi's house.
"What's wrong Zuri-Chan? Why are you crying?" Sasuke asked.
Itachi asked too and my brother Yashiku was explaining everything to Itachi while I talked to Sasuke.
"Zuri-Chan, why are you crying and why are you in such a rush?" Sasuke asked again.
"I'm so sorry Sasuke but I have to leave. Evil people are chasing me and I have to leave as quickly as I can. I begged my parents if I could at least say goodbye to you and Itachi and they said yes so I came running here with Yashiku to protect me." I said quietly and sadly.
"But Zuri-Chan you can't leave. Who will I play with and train after school?" asked Sasuke with tears almost coming out.
"I'm so sorry Sasuke-kun. I don't want to leave but I have to because my parents don't want me to get hurt. You have to understand, if you're my best friend you would let me leave so I don't get hurt. Plus if I stay here longer the evil people can try to hurt you so they can get me. I don't want you to get hurt. I'm sorry Sasuke but I have to get going now, my parents are waiting for me." I said with tears.
"I understand but before you leave please take this. I was going to give it to you tomorrow to show you that I care about you." Sasuke said while blushing and giving me a pink heart shape necklace.
"If you don't mind can you put it on for me? Please?" I asked Sasuke.
With that Sasuke put the necklace and I hugged him saying thank you at the same time.
"Zuri we have to leave now say you're finale goodbyes because we have to leave now." Yashiku said nicely.
"Okay big brother. Itachi-san, Sasuke-kun I don't want to leave but this is for the best. Please don't forget me. I know I won't." I said tears coming down my face.
"Zuri-Chan remember everything we taught you and you won't get hurt at all okay? Please promise that you won't get hurt?" Itachi said with tears also starting to come out.
"I won't. I promise, bye Itachi." I said while I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Zuri-Chan please take care of yourself and don't get hurt or I don't know what will happen to me and Itachi. Yashiku please take care of her." Sasuke said between tears.
"I will take care of her even if it takes my life." Yashiku promised.
"Sasuke please don't worry so much. I'll probably come visit one day. Remember you still have Itachi and your family." I said while hugging him and then giving him a kiss on the cheek which made him blush.
Then Yashiku told Itachi to come to him and Yashiku said something to Itachi in his ear. I could hear what Yashiku said and it was," if he worries about this too much please erase his memory. This is for the good of it but we don't want him to be depressed about this. Zuri will understand. If he doesn't worry a lot don't erase his memory but you know what to do," my brother didn't get to finish because we heard a women scream.
"Zuri I think that was our mom let's go!" Yashiku screamed.
"Okay! Bye Sasuke, Itachi. I'll try to visit……hopefully." I said the last part whispering.
Then we were running to the Hoshiko compound. When we got there, there was blood everywhere which meant every clan member was dead! I screamed but Yashiku covered my mouth and said "Shhh we don't want them to find us." I listened automatically. Then we went to our house to look for my parents. When we entered the house I wanted to scream but I held it in.
"Mommy! Daddy! Please don't die! Brother and I need you!" I said almost screaming. My parents were covered with blood and had a lot of wounds.
"Yashiku we need you to take care of your sister now. Don't let those people get her. You also take care of yourself too, don't disappoint us…," my dad had trouble saying the last part and he closed his eyes, and then I noticed he wasn't breathing anymore.
"Daddy don't leave me and Yashiku!" I screamed.
"Your dad is gone now and soon I will be too. Yashiku, you and Zuri go to the Hidden Mist Village. We had a sensei their prepared just in case something like this happened. He is going to help you guys. I love you both so much. Yashiku do what I say and protect your sister. And Yashiku I love you and your sister forever even if I'm going away now." Those were my mother's last words before she died.
"Mommy! No please!" I screamed with tears running down my face.
"Zuri let's go before anyone finds us," my brother said with tears running down his face.
"Okay big brother," I said weakly.
After that we headed for the village gate and ran away as fast as we could. We took breaks here and there but only for a day because the evil people could catch up. After some days we finally got to the Hidden Mist Village. My brother said no wonder our parents wanted us to hide hear. In the Hidden Mist Village well there was a lot of mist. I thought this was going to be a nice place to hide but after three weeks there……it was a nightmare.
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This is the second chapter of my Tears of Love story.
It's a Sasuke Uchiha love story.
This story is still when Zuri is eight years old. Probably in chapter 5 Zuri will then be 13-14 years old.
I'll also do a new information chapter on Zuri for when she is 13-14 [:
Hope you like the story !
Zuri Udiya Hoshiko & all Hosiko clan members (& all characters that are not from the Naruto anime) © LollixPrinzessin a.k.a Me, Zamary.
All Naruto Characters © Masashi Kishimoto
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Naruto Chat Now !
Zuri : No.....I didnt want to leave.....

Itachi : Its for your own good....

LollixPrinzessin : Awww dont be so sad it'll get better i promise....

All : See you next time in Tears of Love a Sasuke Uchiha love story! Feel free to comment ! (: