Status: Still writing chapters on... Very slowly though... Too many stories.

Tears of Love

Life Just Keeps Getting Worse…

Tears of Love
Sasuke Uchiha Love Story
Chapter 3: Life Just Keeps Getting Worse…
|-Zuri's P.O.V-|
Remember when I said that after three weeks here it was a nightmare? Well I was telling the truth. It turns out that the sensei my parents got us to train me was just another person who wanted to use me for power. He did get me and Yashiku stronger but he was only doing this to use us for our power. So right now Yashiku and I are running away from our fake sensei and his comrades. My life was just getting worse and worse. The only thing, and I mean only thing that kept me living and up and running was my brother Yashiku.
"Yashiku I don't think I can run anymore. We have been running for an hour and my feet are hurting. Remember I'm only eight big brother." I said while running.
"Okay let's take a short break, but remember we have to get going before they find us." Yashiku agreed with me.
"Okay nee-san." I said.
I was really tired and I knew that Yashiku was also tired. But we have to keep running or our fake sensei will find us and hurt us. I might have been a Hoshiko but I was still only eight. I still couldn't run that much like big brother. Yashiku and I were drinking some water and eating some snacks when our sensei and his comrades found us.
"Mwahahaha I finally found you two. Now you two are going to pay big time for making us waste time to find you when we could have been using your power already!" yelled our sensei.
"Zuri get away from here now. I'll fight them off while you run away!" big brother screamed at me.
"But I can't leave you alone here with these evil people! You can't leave me either." I didn't get to finish because Yashiku put me in a barrier so our sensei couldn't get me. Then I started to watch my brother and the other men fight.
"Stay in there until the fight is over Zuri!" my brother screamed.
"But…" I started to say when Yashiku interrupted me.
"I promised Sasuke, mom, and dad I would protect you with my life. I won't break my promise even if it takes my life. I promised." He said while smiling but then…sensei threw a Kantana through his heart.
"NO YASHIKU!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
After that I was surrounded by chakra, my chakra! I then broke the barrier and I started to fight all the men. The men were strong but I was stronger that I even killed my sensei. What happened to me? I'm guessing my sadness and anger got out and I just felt more powerful. Then I remembered about big brother and ran to his side and fell on my knees. If I took the Kantana out he would die faster.
"Yashiku you can't leave me! You're the only one I have left! Please don't leave me!" I yelled.
"I promised I would use my own life to protect you and that's what I did. Don't be mad at me but I wanted you to be safe." Yashiku said quietly.
"But why? I don't want to be in this world without you big brother!" I said with tears running down my face.
"I'm sorry Zuri but this was for the good of it. Now you can continue living. Go back to Konoha. It's pretty close to here. Go there and get the Hokage to protect you. I did my promise now it's my time to go but your time to keep living life." Yashiku said with tears also starting to come out.
"But Yashiku I…I…I told you I don't want to live if you're not going to be with me!" I screamed.
"Just listen to me! Go back to Konoha and live your life there with the Hokage taking care of you. I'm sorry Zuri but it's my time to leave." He said weakly.
"No Yashiku! Don't leave me! Yashiku? Yashiku talk to me! Yashiku!" I said screaming and crying.
I then noticed my big brother wasn't alive anymore. I then closed his eyes and laid him down on the grass. I gave him a finale kiss on the cheek and said, "Bye big brother and please be happy and safe in heaven."
After that I started running toward Konoha. When I finally got there my feet were more tired than ever and I fell on my knees and then I saw someone walking up to me.
"Whoever you are don't come any closer!" I warned the person.
"Zuri? Zuri is that you?" the mysterious person asked.
"I said whoever you are don't come any closer!" I yelled.
"Zuri, it's me Itachi. What happened to you?" Itachi asked.
"Yashiku and mom and dad they're…they're all dead! Itachi please help me! I don't want those mean people to kill me! Please help me Itachi-san!" I begged.
"You'll explain what happened later. Right now you're coming with me. Here let me carry you." Itachi said.
"Okay Itachi-san. But why are we not heading to your house? Don't you live that way?" I asked.
"Well I did but now I live somewhere else." He said quietly.
"Huh, did your parents kick you out of the house?" I asked worriedly.
"Oh no, not at all…but I wanted to move with umm well I'll explain that later too." Itachi said.
After that I stayed quiet the whole time to where we were going. I didn't know where we were going but I knew I could trust him. He was like my other big brother. So was Sasuke…that reminds me.
"Itachi-san how was Sasuke the last time you seen him?" I asked.
"Uh well I think he is fine I don't know. I haven't seen him in a while." he responded.
"Oh ok so where are we going and are we there yet?" I asked again.
"As a matter of fact we're here now." He said.
I looked up and saw a big house; I think it was called a mansion. I also saw some training grounds at the back but I didn't get to see more because Itachi told me to get down so I could walk. I got down and I was just very curious to know where we were.
"Umm Itachi-san where…" I started to say but Itachi interrupted me.
"Shhh I need to talk to someone. Stay with me but don't say a word. Okay?" Itachi said and asked.
"Oh okay. I'll be quiet." I responded.
Then this guy came out with a lot of piercings. I think that was what they were called. Then he started to talk to Itachi, so I guessed this was the person that Itachi was going to talk to.
"Ah I see you got here safely and with no one following you. Very good but whom is this girl right here?" the guy asked looking at me and I froze up when I noticed he was talking to me.
"Oh here she is Zuri Udiya Hoshiko…" Itachi was going to say more but the guy interrupted him.
"Wait did you say Hoshiko?" the guy asked.
"Yes." Itachi responded.
"Okay let's go in and sit down to talk more comfortable. Oh and I'm also going to get the other Akatsuki members to join our talk. Will you or the girl have any problem with that?" the guy asked.
"No I won't. Will you Zuri?" I shook my head no just to agree with Itachi. Although the name Akatsuki ringed a bell but I just couldn't remember where I heard it before.
"Okay then let us head inside." The guy said.
When we were inside the mansion the halls were dark but my eyes could still see very well. When we finally got to room the guy told us to enter and sit down. I sat down next to Itachi very nervous.
"Konan please go get the other Akatsuki members." The guy said.
"Yes Pain." said the girl named Konan. So the guys name was Pain. I could understand because the piercings could have been a lot of pain. I giggled and Itachi looked at me and smiled.
Then some more other mysterious guys came in the room. They were all wearing a black cloak with red clouds on them. They were all staring at me when they entered which made me grab on to Itachi's shirt.
"Shhh there is nothing to be afraid of." He whispered in my ear which made me clam down and let go of his shirt.
"Okay now that everyone is here, let's start talking." Pain said.
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This is the third chapter of my Tears of Love story.
It's a Sasuke Uchiha love story.
This story is still when Zuri is eight years old. Probably in chapter 5 Zuri will then be 13-14 years old.
I'll also do a new information chapter on Zuri for when she is 13-14 [:
Hope you like the story !
Zuri Udiya Hoshiko & all Hosiko clan members (& all characters that are not from the Naruto anime) © LollixPrinzessin a.k.a Me, Zamary.
All Naruto Characters © Masashi Kishimoto
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Naruto Chat Now !
Lollixprinzessin: Oh no wat will happen now?

Zuri: I dont know!You wrote the story!

Me: Your right but dont scream at me!

Zuri: Sorry anyways see you next time in Tears of Love a Sasuke Uchiha Love Story!