Status: Still writing chapters on... Very slowly though... Too many stories.

Tears of Love

Thank you...I-I-I Can Trust All of You Now.

Tears of Love
Sasuke Uchiha Love Story
Chapter 5: Thank you...I-I-I Can Trust All of You Now.
|-Zuri's P.O.V-|
I finished telling what happened to me and now I was just waiting for everyone's response.
"Ohhhhhh! Tobi really sorry Zuri-Chan!"Tobi said as he hugged me.
"It's no big deal. I mean like my mom always told me, everything happens for a reason..."I said trying to smile.
"No big deal! Your joking right? You saw your whole family dead and your brother die right in front of your eyes and you say it's no big deal!"Hidan the silver haired guy that curses a lot screamed.
"Well sorry! Do you want me to be all depressed about this cause I sure don't mister!"I screamed back.
"Oh no never mind..."Hidan said then thought, "Damn she almost trashed me for a moment. And she didn't even curse either…"
"You're a very strong little girl you know that?"Pain said.
"Uhm I....oh thanks..."I said trying to hide my blush.
"It's okay to blush here especially if you're a young and cute girl."Konan the blue haired girl said.
"Oh...your making it worse...."I said blushing more.
"Awww Zuri-Chan so cute when she blushes!"Tobi said as he death hugged me.
"Tobi. Tobi! Tobi let her go she can't breathe!"Itachi screamed.
"Oh Tobi sorry..."he said when he let me go.
"It's okay, I'm okay with hugs. Just hugs that aren't death hugs. He he!"I said and laughed."
"So Itachi are you going to ask her or no?"Pain asked.
"Yeah but it's her decision."Itachi responded.
"Ask me what?"I asked getting curious.
"Okay look this is your choice. You can choose to live with us since your family is gone....or…"Itachi said but I interrupted him.
"Or what?"I asked.
"Or you can go back to Konoha and live over there."Itachi finished.
"Uhm.....hmmmm.....I choose to.....hmmmm..."I said thinking.
"I hope she decides to stay here. So I can watch over her…"Itachi thought.
"Hmmmm I chose to......stay with you guys. I can trust all of you guys. But...."I said.
"But????"The Akatsuki asked?
"But I still get to eat sweets right?"I asked smiling.
Then the Akatsuki had an anime fall.
"Yes you will still be able to eat sweets."Pain said.
"Yay then I'm staying!"I said while hugging pain.
"What no hug for me?"Itachi asked?
"Awww come on!"I said while hugging Itachi.
The Akatsuki mumbles and groaned.
"Do you guys want hugs too?"I asked.
"Yeah!"They screamed as they hugged me.
"Ha-ha for S-rank criminals you guys are actually softies even you Pain!"I said while laughing.

After that day I've been living with the Akatsuki ever since I was eight years old. I'm 14 now and I'm actually going to Konoha to live there. The Akatsuki trained me very much .I'm a lot stronger. I'm still not stronger then the whole Akatsuki put together but I can beat most of them. Ok ok… I can only beat Hidan at a cursing contest and Deidra and Sassari at an art contest. I still can't beat any of them unless I tag team with one of the Akatsuki members. But I'm still really strong. I've changed a lot. But I mean a lot. But I still love sweets! Ha-ha, I also learned all the Akatsuki secrets. Like why Itachi killed his own clan. Yes he told me he killed his clan but I understood. I also know Tobi is actually Madara. One of my Uchiha family members, you know cause my clan? Whatever but actually the Akatsuki isn't evil anymore. Whenever they did something bad I actually cried and told them to stop being bad. This is what they did. They didn't like to see me cry so they stopped. Ever since my family was killed the Akatsuki was my family. They cared and loved me like my real family did. I also want to get my revenge on those damn people that murdered my clan. Itachi and the guys understand why I want revenge. So they are letting me get stronger. That's why they trained me so hard. Also being the Hoshiko Princess also made me stronger because now I knew how to control almost elements and I have my Hoshiko eyes now. Plus some other things that I don't really want to talk about… My skills are still not completely perfect but I'm sure I can beat jounin, chunin, and defiantly genin. Akatsuki and any Kage? Still no. Ha-ha. I still got some work to do on some things. Oh yeah you know how the Akatsuki has a ring on their fingers? Well I have one to that has the symbol for princess. Pain gave it to me and I wear it on my middle finger on my right hand. Yeah that actually means I'm a member of the Akatsuki but we aren't evil. Since I've been missing for years or that's what other people think everybody thinks I'm dead. Well some people know I am alive but not everyone especially Konoha. I've been everywhere but Konoha. But now that I'm 14 I'm going to be living there and become an Anbu like I did in most of the villages. I'm still not an Anbu at the Mist Village, Waterfall Village, Cloud Village, and the Grass Village. Oh and of the Hidden Leaf Village. Well you'll learn more about my years with the Akatsuki sometime.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the fitfh chapter of my Tears of Love story.
It's a Sasuke Uchiha love story.
This story is still when Zuri is eight years old. Probably in chapter 5 Zuri will then be 13-14 years old.
I'll also do a new information chapter on Zuri for when she is 13-14 [:
Hope you like the story !
[ Btw I know Tobi isn't in the show until Shippuden but I'm changing that in this story. ] (* Also Zur thinks and know that the Akstuki aren't eveil, but you know how the Akatsuki are. They can do there tricks and evil ways at sneaky times. But just never tell Zuri...*)
Zuri Udiya Hoshiko & all Hosiko clan members (& all characters that are not from the Naruto anime) © LollixPrinzessin a.k.a Me, Zamary.
All Naruto Characters © Masashi Kishimoto