Status: Still writing chapters on... Very slowly though... Too many stories.

Tears of Love

The Hoshiko Princess Moves to Konoha!

Tears of Love
Sasuke Uchiha Love Story
Chapter 6: The Hoshiko Princess Moves to Konoha!
|-Zuri's P.O.V-|
"No! Zuri-Chan can't leave!"Tobi screamed.
"Tobi I told you I want to move there so I can become an Anbu there too. Plus I'll still visit you guys still."I said.
"But you can pass that Anbu test with flying colors and you won't need to stay there. You can just pass the test and come back with us, un."Deidara said pouting a little.
"Awww will Dei-Dei miss me? Any who I know but I want to live in Konoha. I want to see what T missed all these years."I said.
"It's her decision guys. She said she'll still visit us."Konan said.
"Exactly I'm still going to come and visit. You guys are my family!"I said in a matter-of-fact-tone.
"Awww okay but Tobi going to miss you!!!!!"Tobi screamed and ran to hug me.
I dodged his hug making him crash with the fall and said, "Okay guys look I'm not leaving for about another hour. So we still got some time to chill!"
"Good! VNP and I are going outside and making clay things and then make them explode, yeah!"Deidara yelled.
"No she's going with me for an awesome puppet fight!"Sasori said.
"Yeah right losers! Zuri is going with me to swim in the water!"Kisame screamed.
"Nah ah! Zuri-Chan is going to play with me!"Tobi screamed.
"Come on Princess lets go outside and count our money."Kakuzu said pulling me by my left arm.
"No come on Beautiful we're going outside so I can teach you more comebacks."Hidan said while pulling me by my right arm outside.
"Let her go! We should just all hang out with her together!"Konan screamed.
"And we can also give her our presents we have for her remember?"Pain asked.
"Pain! You weren't suppose to say anything until before she left!"Itachi screamed.
"Oops! Sorry!"Pain said.
"Oh presents where?"I said with joy.
"Since Pain already ruined it we should all give her, her presents now."Itachi said calmer.
"Yay! Tobi first!"Tobi screamed.
"No you always go first!"Deidara screamed!
"He goes first because he's a good boy!"I yelled back.
"Humph!"Deidara said and turned around.
"Okay! Lookie Zuri-Chan! Look what i drew for you!"Tobi said handing me something in a frame.
It was a well detailed picture of him and I. It had me and him having one arm around each other giving the peace sign. I smiled.
"Awww this is awesome! Thank you Tobi!"I said kissing the top of his mask.
"Okay big sisters next!"Konan said while giving me a box."Open it up."
I opened the box and I saw an Akatsuki cloud figure. I took it out and it was a hairpiece. It was something like Konan's rose but this was in the shape of the Akatsuki cloud. I put the cloud hairpiece on the top of my head where my band lead and smiled.
"Thanks sis."I said hugging her tight.
"I figured this was your style so i got you this."Pain said while handing me a small box.
I opened the small box and almost squealed. It was new snakebite piercings!
"Zomq!! Thank you! I've been wanted these lip pierce!"I yelled while tackling him in a hug.
"A lip pierce?"Hidan asked?
"Yeah they change color with your mood. I saw them in the store like a month ago."I said while putting the fake snake bites on. I only wear fake lip pierce not real ones. The Akatsuki knows that.
"Oh well here's mine Beautiful."Hidan said while handing me two fans that had razor sharp scythes at the ends.
"Thank you! I've wanted a new weapon!"I said while hugging him but I noticed a difference. "Gosh either you got taller or I got shorter."
"I got taller."Hidan said with a chuckle.
"Whatever here Princess, hope you like it."Kakuzu said.
"What is it? Uhm...."I mumbled opening the heavily wrapped box then squealed again. "I've wanted this since my phone broke. Thank you!"I said then remember something, "Wait this means you spent your money!"
"I wanted to so i could give you a goodbye present."Kakuzu said as I hugged him.
"Awww that's nice of you!"I said.
"Here I figured you would like this."Deidara said.
"Oh! It's a mini clay sculpture of a king cobra! One of my favorite animals! Thank you Dei-Dei!"I said while hugging him.
"No problem my Vampire Ninja Kitty."Deidara said ruffling my hair making me fix it again.
"Here's mine."Kisame said handing me a glass box.
"Oh nice. It's a… oh! Awesome it's a frozen water tear drop with my name! Thank you!"I said. "Wait wont it melt?"
"Nope it'll survive any temperature! Hehe!"Kisame laughed scratching the back of his head.
"Oh nice this had to take you some time."I said.
"Here's mine Zuri."Sasori said handing me a puppet.
When Sasori put the puppet in my hands I almost fell. This was heavy as hell. Then I looked at the puppet that looked like a girl. The puppet girl looked like…like me! Just darker and uhm…darker!
"Awesome another weapon. By me seeing how many weapons and details it has this means this took you a lot of time!"I said still looking at it and then putting it in a scroll.
"It did, but it was worth it."Sasori said as he smiled.
"Awww thanks!"I said and hugged him.
"Here Zuri-hime. Hope you like it."Zetsu-Sama said as his white half smiled and the black side stayed neutral.
Zetsu-Sama was the only one I called Sama because he likes it and well I like it too. It doesn't mean we're not close though. He and I love to spy on people on our missions and he taught me very well how to sneak around with no one noticing. Zetsu-Sama handed me a rose that was half black and half red. It was in a glass box too. The rose was sparkling and at times little flares of fire would spark up saying, "Zuri Udiya Hoshiko" or "Hoshiko Princess." I smiled and a wide smile at that. I loved roses and this was just beautiful.
"Thanks Zetsu-Sama."I said hugging him and he hugged back.
"Hmmm I hope I can top that."Itachi said then whistled.
"Why'd you whistle?"I asked confused.
"You'll see."Itachi said.
"I'll see wh.......Oh it's so cute!"I said while hugging the baby wolf that was black with red streaks. "I'll name you Fang!"
"I knew you would like it."Itachi said.
"How could I not? A wolf is another one of my favorite animals! You didn't top the other guys presents though because I love all your presents equally!"I said while smiling.
"Good enough for us."They said while smiling.
-Minutes Later-
"Oh no. I have to get going or it's going be too late when I get there!"I said while putting on a mask.
"Why are you putting a mask on?"Itachi asked.
"Oh well first because I like it. And I don't want people to recognize me yet.....Well not yet."I said while winking at the end.
"To tell you the truth you still look hot with that mask."Hidan said.
"That's why I love you. You give nice compliments but you really need to find yourself a girl."I said smirking.
"Well..."Hidan tried to think of a comeback.
"Don't even try."I said smirking and he smiled.
I did a quick jutsu and put all my presents in a scroll so they didn't get ruined.
"Fang you ready to leave?"I asked my new pet and he barked.
"Okay well I'll see you guys soon. I'll miss you all."I said while heading to the door.
"Wait. Here this is from all of us."Pain said while handing me a necklace with all the initials of the Akatsuki member's name.
"Thanks don't forget I love all of you! Oh yeah i got all your cells numbers right?"I asked and they all nodded their heads.
"Okay well this is the final goodbye I guess until we see each other again."I said a little sad.
"Don't be sad sis. We'll be with you in your heart like always."Itachi said lifting my head and smiled.
"Yeah. Oh yeah Itachi? What's Konoha like?"I asked.
"I don't really remember. But it's nice and calm. Oh yeah watch out for those fan boys of your okay? Or fan girls who knows what's in that village now."Itachi said laughing.
"Okay. Ha-ha bye guys!"I said after hugging all of them and them leaving."I'll miss you!"
Then poof, I transported to the leaf village.
-Fast Forward to When You Arrive At Konoha-
I was letting most of my Anbu marks show on my arm so the guards wouldn't have to ask me any questions. I went through the doors with the guard's only saying, "Welcome to Konoha Miss."Good no questions. But then I hit myself in the head and went back to the guards. It was me that had to ask them a question.
"Uhm excuse me I have a question."I asked.
"What would you like to know miss?"One guy asked.
"Wait aren't you a little young to be Anbu?"Another guy asked.
"Yes I am but that doesn't matter. Anyways may i know where the Hokage's office is?"I asked.
"Yes miss just go around that corner walk a little more straight then make a right and your there."The first guy said.
"Okay thanks. Oh and just call me Zuri."I said while leaving.
"You mean...."The first guy started.
"Zuri Hoshiko?"The other guy asked the other guard.
But by then i was already gone. I was half way to the Hokage's place when I got a text message from Itachi that said, "Oh yeah the directions to the Hokage's place is.......blah blah blah." I responded and said i thought you didn't remember this place. Ha-ha and i already know where it is. After that he responded with a message okay take care. I closed up my phone and i was already at the Hokage's door. I went in the Hokage's place and then i found the Hokage's room. I knocked on his door and the Hokage said to come in. When i opened the door a boy crashed into me.
"Hey watch where you're going will you?!"screamed the boy.
"You're the one that crashed into me you little brat!"I screamed back.
"Konohamaru please watch your way before you walk out. "said the Hokage.
"Konohamaru huh? What kind of name is that?"I asked with a sneer to my voice.
"What you say?"He screamed back.
"Stop it you two! Konohamaru you can leave now and you can come in now."The Hokage said.
"B-But.....whatever I'm leaving!"Konohamaru screamed and left.
"I'm sorry about my grandchild..."He started.
"Oh he was your grandchild? My apologies."I said while bowing.
"No problem he always gets in trouble."He said.
"Okay."I said.
"Well before we begin my I'm the third Hokage."He said.
"The third...Hmmm i think i know you."I said trying to think.
"You do?"He asked.
"Oh now i remember you! Your my grandfather!"I said finally knowing who he was.
"But the only girl grandchild i had was killed 5 years ago."He said.
"Actually no .I'm right here. You see......"I started and explained what happened those years. But I didn't tell him I was with the Akatsuki. I just said I trained with some friends and everywhere.
"Oh okay. I understand. I see you grew up to be really strong now. And you also have all the anbu marks from some villages!"He said noticing them.
"Yes, I'm also not an anbu here so that's why I came back."I said.
"Okay so do you want to take the test to become an anbu?"He asked.
"Uhm no i actually wanted to start from where i left off. I was a genin when i left but can i become a genin again and just level up then?"I asked.
"Sure the genin exams are actually today. So yes. Where are you going to be living at now?"He asked.
"Well at the Hoshiko compound."I said remembering that day.
"Okay. Well here just give this scroll to Iruka-sensei and he'll let you in."He said while handing me a scroll.
"Okay thank you grandfather. Bye and thanks for letting me stay here."I said while hugging him.
"Don't mention it."He said then i left.
Hmmm don't I have another family member here? He's my uncle but what's his name? Kaka? No. Nashi? No. Sakushi. No! I got it! Kakashi! Hmmm now where does he live? Lets see i said while activating my Hoshiko eye. And looking for an aura that matches my uncles. There he is! I ran to the place and tackled him into a hug, while I left him dumbstruck.
"I'm sorry miss but i don't know you."He said.
"Oh that's right."I said and took off my mask, "It's me Zuri."
He gasped like he was dying for air.
"But i thought you were dead."He asked.
"No you see."I said and explained everything but the living with the Akatsuki part out.
"Oh I see you got stronger but how was this possible?"Uncle Kakashi asked.
"Uhm well…that's for me to know and for you to find out! Ha-ha well I have to go! Bye!"I said while getting up to leave but he grabbed my wrist.
"Tell me."He said commanding.
"Fine…Shit…This can't be good…"I mumbled and explained why I started living with the Akatsuki.
"You've been living with S-rank criminals instead of coming back here?!"He screamed making me wince.
"They're not criminals! I explained everything to you and you still don't believe me! I knew it this was just a big waste of time!"I said while getting ready to leave again.
"Wait...I'm sorry it's just that i thought you were dead all these years. I'm just worried."He said more calm now.
"Well don't. They've been my family and I love them. They also helped me become stronger so i can avenge me clan. Also I'm not that girly girl I was before."I said.
"Oh really are you a tomboy?"He asked.
"As a matter of fact yes i am."I said. Then he asked me how and i explained.
"That's it your my favorite niece now!"He said while hugging me.
"Yay! Its' like we've seen each other for years. Oh no sorry i have to go take the genin exams. Bye uncle!"i screamed.
"But it's still too early!"he said.
"I know i want to be early."I said.
"Okay good luck even though you will pass easily! See you!"He said and waved.
"I know i can. Ha-ha bye!
As i was running to the academy i didn't watch where i was going for a second and crashed with a boy.
"Oops sorry I have to go!"I screamed, and instead poofed to the academy.
|-Sasuke's P.O.V-|
I was walking to the academy when this girl with a mask crashed with me. She said oops sorry have to go! And then left. She was a top that didn't cover her stomach but only her uhm…breasts and above. She had these glove things on her arms. Her pants were weird because one side it was long and the other leg it was like ripped with fish net leggings under. This girl also wore a mask. Her long flowing hair passed by me barely touching my skin. It was soft. Who was she? She was…beautiful…Wait what the hell am I thinking?! I don't even know her. I have to focus on getting stronger and that's it.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the sixth chapter of my Tears of Love story.
It's a Sasuke Uchiha love story.
This story is now when Zuri is 14 years old and heading back to Konoha.
Hope you like the story !
[ Btw I know Tobi isn't in the show until Shippuden but I'm changing that in this story. ] (* Also Zuri thinks and know that the Akstuki aren't eveil, but you know how the Akatsuki are. They can do there tricks and evil ways at sneaky times. But just never tell Zuri...*)
Zuri Udiya Hoshiko & all Hosiko clan members (& all characters that are not from the Naruto anime) © LollixPrinzessin a.k.a Me, Zamary.
All Naruto Characters © Masashi Kishimoto